16.11.2012 Aufrufe

Untitled - IRS

Untitled - IRS

Untitled - IRS


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GLOSSAR 263<br />

the Brownian motion these particles move preferentially along the field lines. This directed<br />

movement is measured in the same manner as is the Brownian motion by PCS and from<br />

the mean velocity the charge is obtained when the hydrodynamic diameter is known from<br />

a measurement without electric field. It is worthwhile noting a different view of the PCS<br />

measurement. A particle which moves with v only a few cm s −1 causes a Doppler shift of the<br />

sacttered light of the order of v/c ∼ 10 −10 . The signal of the photon counter can be looked at<br />

as the superposition of the incident and the frequency shifted light, which causes a beating<br />

of the order of νLightv/c ∼ 10 000Hz. Hence PCS could be named high precision Doppler<br />

spectroscopy. (Eq. (1.0)) [p. 13]<br />

Phasenanpassung Phase matching. In a birefringent crystal ordinary and extraordinary beam have<br />

different indices of refraction nO and nA. nA depends on the angle θP between crystal optical<br />

axis and beam direction while nO does not. It is hence possible to match the indices of<br />

refraction of two beams of different wavelengths by tuning θP . Both light waves then travel<br />

with constant phase. Hence, this process is called phase matching. (Eq. (4.36)) [p. 112]<br />

Photon flux density Number of photons per second per unit area. Symbol φ. (Eq. (7.12)) [p. 201]<br />

Piezo receiver Microphone based on the piezoelectric effect. A piezo-crystal generates a voltage<br />

which is linearly proportional to the applied pressure. (Eq. (4.12)) [p. 93]<br />

Polarisierbarkeit, elektrische Polarizability, electric. When an electric field acts on a medium, a net<br />

force acts on the charge carriers in the medium and they try to follow the electric filed lines<br />

and separate into opposite directions. This is called polarization of a medium and after the<br />

charge separation the body carries a polarization. The electric field can be static or periodic<br />

in time. The polarizability quantifies the efficiency of separating charges and depends on<br />

material and on the frequency of the electric field. (Eq. (3.3)) [p. 45]<br />

Power density Energy per second per unit area. Symbol I. (Eq. (7.12)) [p. 201]<br />

Poyntingvektor Poynting vector: � S = c<br />

4π E ×H and | � S |= ɛ0cE 2 . | � S | represents the amount of energy<br />

which crosses per second a unit area normal to the directions of E and H (Eq. (3.5)) [p. 45]<br />

Räumliche Kohärenz Spatial coherence. The term spatial coherence is used to describe partial coherence<br />

arising from the finite size of an incoherent source. Hence, for the equipath position<br />

for the addition of two beams, a coherence interval is defined as the separation of<br />

two points such that the absolute difference in path length is some prechosen value, e.g.<br />

λ/4. (Eq. (2.67)) [p. 36]<br />

Schmalbandigkeit Narrow spectral bandwidth (unit Hz or cm −1 ). Typically GHz for fixed frequency<br />

ns- Lasers, Up to eV for ultra short Pulse Lasers and down to less than 1 Hz for cw<br />

lasers (Eq. (1.0)) [p. 11]<br />

Schwarzkörperstrahlung Blackbody radiation. Continuous electromagnetic radiation spectra of a<br />

body with absorptivity = 1 (ideal absorber/radiator) and defined temperature. Due to the<br />

quantum nature of light emission the b.r. spectra exhibits a maximum at λ = 0.2898 cm K −1<br />

(Wien’s law). (Eq. (2.0)) [p. 15]<br />

Spektrale Breite Spectral width of light. There is no true monochromatic light, but rather it comrises<br />

fractions of different wavelength. The spectral width is the difference between longest

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