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92 CXXXVI. ORCHIDEJE. [Eria.<br />

midlobe ovate yellow truncate, three red keels on disc, mid-one<br />

prolonged to midlobe. Column straight, foot long. Hab. Selangor,<br />

near Klang. Kedah Peak (Robinson).<br />

(25) E. Maingayi Hook. fil. F.B.I. v. 798; Ie. Pl. 2072.<br />

Pseudobulbs tufted fusiform, 1 in. long. Leaves 2, linear<br />

acuminate, 3 to 4 in. long, '5 in. wide; base narrow. Racemes 2<br />

to 3 in. long. Flowers'5 in. across. Bracts oblong, greenish white.<br />

Upper sepal oblong, laterals triangular-ovate falcate acute; mentum<br />

short round. Petals linear-oblong as long, all white. Lip obovate,<br />

side-lobes crenulate, midlobe small, round bilobed, a woolly callus<br />

in centre, 3 keels between side-lobes green with purple spot at base.<br />

Hab. Local on high trees, Penang (Maingay). On a tree between<br />

the Crag Hotel and. Government Bungalow. Fl. March<br />

(Ridley).<br />

(26) E. saccifera Hook. fil. F.B.I. v. 797; Ie. Pl. t. 2071.<br />

Stems cylindric crowded, 3 in. long. Leaves 2 to 8 oblanceolate<br />

acuminate, 12 in. or more long, 1 to 1'5 in. wide, petioled. Raceme<br />

sub-terminal slender, 6 in. long. Flowers'5 in. long. glabrous,<br />

dull pink claret and yellow. Bracts oblong-Ianceolate. Upper<br />

sepal ovate-oblong, laterals very broad round; mentum 3 times as<br />

long as upper sepal, saccate. Pdals elliptic acute. Lip entire<br />

clawed spathulate tomentose. Column very short, foot long. Hab.<br />

Rare, Perak, Gunong Batu Putih (Wray).<br />

(27) E. recurvata Hook. fil. F.B.I. v. 797; Ie. Pl. 2070;<br />

Ridl. Mat. i. 102.<br />

Stems thick cylindric, 2 to 5 internodes, 4 to 6 in. tall, ·6 in.<br />

through. Leaves 3 to 5, elliptic lanceolate, narrowed to petiole,<br />

·6 to 8 in. long, 1'5 to 2 in. wide. Raceme lateral, 6 in. long,<br />

pubescent. Bracts ovate yellow, 5 in. long. Flowers·6 in. wide.<br />

Sepals recurved falcate lanceolate acuminate, yellow striped purple;<br />

mentum large rounded. Petals lanceolate acuminate yellow<br />

striped purple. Lip side-lobes short round, pale purple, midlebe<br />

obcordate yellowish, 2 keels on disc, retuse with a short point.<br />

Hab. Perak (Kunstler).<br />

Drawing known only.<br />

(28) E. Braddoni Rolfe, Oreh. Rev. xv. 248. E. latibracteata<br />

Ridl. Journ. Linn. Soc. xxxii. 293. (Fig. 166, p. 93.)<br />

Stems terete, 1 ft. long, '25 in. thick. Leaves 4, lanceolate<br />

acute plicate thin, 7 in. long, 1'75 in. wide. Racemes 2 to 3 compact<br />

sessile, 2 in. long. Bracts ovate acute, nearly '5 in. long,<br />

green. Flowers 12, nearly glabrous, '5 in. long. Upper sepal<br />

lanceolate acute, laterals falcate keeled; mentum short broad,<br />

white, bases red. Petals shorter broader ovate blunt, white. Lip<br />

shorter, side-lobes curved blunt, madder pink, midlobe broad<br />

round ovate retuse, white, 2 raised keels and 2 raised nerves between<br />

on disc ending in a madder patch on midlobe. Column rather

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