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CXXXVI. ORCHIDElE. [An(£ctochilus.<br />

wide, deep purple netted gold with a broad pale bar down centre;<br />

petioles '25 in. long. Flowers about 8. Sepals reddish or dark<br />

brownish red pubescent. Petals adnate to the upper sepal thin<br />

white. Lip white horizontal, claw short, a pair of oblong calli<br />

at base; filaments 6 to 8 on each side, limb of 2 short truncate lobes,<br />

spur curved rather long, tip bifid. Column with broad triangular<br />

wings and forked process from the centre. Anther ovate pubescent.<br />

Hab. In woods, rarely flowering. Selangor, Bukit Hitam (Kelsall).<br />

Perak, Thaiping (Derry). Distrib. Burma.<br />

(4) A. pectinatus Ridl. Mat. i. 214. Odontochilus pectinatus<br />

Hook. fil. F.B.I. vi. 99; Ie. Pl. 2165·<br />

Stem I ft. long, internodes I in. long. Leaves crowded above,<br />

ovate oblique, 3 in. long, 1 in. wide, green; petioles '5 in. long.<br />

Spike 2 in. long, base nude; flowers about 10, '5 in. long. Upper<br />

sepal and petals adnate ovate pubescent, laterals ovate, green.<br />

Lip much longer, white, base saccate, two curved clubbed processes<br />

inside, side-lobes short round, claw with many filaments, lobes<br />

of limb falcate, blunt. Hab. Perak, Thaiping Hills, at 3000 to<br />

4000 ft. altitude (all collectors).<br />

(5) A. brevistylis Ridl. Mat. i. 214. Odontochilus brevistylis<br />

Hook. fit. F.B.I. vi. roo; Ie. Pt. 2166.<br />

Stem about 6 in. long. Leaves ovate acuminate oblique, 1'5 in.<br />

long; petioles '25 to '5 in. long. Peduncle 1 in. long, pubescent,<br />

with 3 or 4 flowers at top. Flowers'5 in. long, white. Upper sepal<br />

ovate, laterals obliquely ovate, with tuft of hairs at tip. Petals<br />

free semi-ovate acuminate. Lip base saccate (not spurred), claw<br />

with 3 or 4 falcate teeth, limb bifid, lobes semi-ovate round. Anther<br />

ovate. Bab. Rare. Pahang, Fraser Hill at 4000 to 4370 ft. altitude<br />

(Burkill and Holttum). Perak, Gunong Batu Putih (Wray).<br />

(6) A. calcaratus Rzdl. Mat. i. 214. Odontochilus calcaratus<br />

Hook. fit. F.B.I. vi. 99.<br />

A slender erect plant, 2 to 5 in. tall. Leaves ovate sessile or<br />

short-petioled, '25 to '3 in. long, brown, or green dashed with<br />

crimson and veined gold (Wray) or purple (Scortechini). Flowers<br />

2 or 3, white, '5 in. across. Sepals lanceolate, base connate in a<br />

mentum. Petals linear-Ianceolate free. Lip spurred, side-lobes<br />

curved, claw crenulate, limb of 2 quadrate truncate lobes. Column<br />

with a bifid elongate process descending into the spur. Pollinia<br />

with 2 caudicles. Hab. Rare on rocks in forest at about 3000 ft.<br />

altitude. Perak (no locality) (Scortechini, Wray); Hermitage Hill<br />

(Ridley).<br />

(7) A. macranthus Ridt. Mat. i. 215. Odontochilus macranthus<br />

Hook. fit. F.B.I. vi. 98; Ie. Pl. 2161.<br />

Stem nodose ascending, 4 in. long. Leaves lanceolate, I in.<br />

long, '5 in. wide or smaller. Flowers I or 2 terminal large, white<br />

sessile. Bracts lanceolate blunt adnate to the semi-ovate petals,<br />

laterals gibbous at base. Lip spathulate, sides involute, base

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