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274 CXXXVII. ZINGIBERACEJE. [Plagiostachys.<br />

ovate. Corolla-lobes lanceolate acute, white, tipped pink. Lip<br />

obovate, hairy at base bifid, yellow, streaked red. Stamen white.<br />

Staminodes not visible. Fruit elliptic-obovate, sub-triquetrous,<br />

dull red, '5 in. long. Hab. Rare. In dense wet forest. Johor,<br />

Kukub (Ridley).<br />

18. ELETTARIOPSIS, Bak.<br />

Rhizome, long, creeping and slender. Leaves solitary or few in<br />

a tuft or on a leafy stem. Flower spikes scattered on long branches<br />

of the rhizome, very short, with a few fugacious flowers in the axils<br />

of small bracts. Calyx tube long, trilobed. Corolla tube long and<br />

slender, lobes narrow, white. Lip longer, obovate or oblong, white,<br />

central yellow bar and red streaks. Staminodes o. Stamen, filament<br />

short; anther-crest large round. Fruit a globose capsule.<br />

Species about 15, South Siam, Malay islands to Celebes.<br />

Leaf I, erect from rhizome . . .. (I) E. euerta<br />

Leaves 2, erect from rhizome; flower shoot short (2) E. Curtisii<br />

Leaves several on a leafy stem.<br />

Stem I ft. tall; corolla tube 3 in. long. . . (3) E. latiflora<br />

Stem 2 ft. tall; corolla tube I in. long; leaves thick<br />

pubescent beneath. . . .. (4) E. pubescens<br />

Stem several ft. tall; corolla tube 3 in. long • (5) E. lcmgituba<br />

(I) E. exserta Bak. F.B.I. vi. 251; Ridl. Mat. ii. 42.<br />

Cyphostigma exsertum Scort. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. viii. 310, t. 13.<br />

Leaf solitary elliptic acute narrowed to base, 2'5 to 3 ft. tall,<br />

about 6 in. across. Scape short erect. Flower I. Calyx I in.<br />

long. Corolla tube 3 in. long, lobes lanceolate, '75 in. long. Lip<br />

oblong, yellow, streaked red. Anther-crest short, round. Hab.<br />

Forests local but abundant in spots, rarely flowering. Perak, Kinta<br />

(Scortechini); Tapah; Batang Padang to Jor (Ridley).<br />

(2) E. CurtisiiBak. in Hook fil. F.B.I. vi. 252; Ridl. Mat. ii. 42.<br />

E. serpent ina, Bak. l.cc.<br />

Rhizome slender covered with loose sheaths. Leaves 2 or 3 in<br />

a tuft lanceolate acuminate narrowed to petioles, 6 to 8 in. long,<br />

3 in. wide; petioles 5 to 7 in. long. Flowering stems 3 in. long,<br />

covered with short brown sheaths; flowers rather distant. Calyx<br />

tube I in. long. Corolla longer, 1'5 in. long, slender, lobes oblong,<br />

5 in. long. Lip oblong-obovate rounded, '75 in. long. Anthercrest<br />

large oblong round. Hab. Dry hills local and scarce. Penang Hill<br />

at 1000 to 3000 ft. altitude and Bukit Laksamana (Curtis, Kunstler).<br />

(3) E. latiflora Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 154;<br />

Mat. ii. 43.<br />

Rhizome '25 in. through. Leafy stems 6 to 12 in. tall. Leaves<br />

about 5 lanceolate to ovate-Ianceolate pubescent beneath, 10 to<br />

13 in. long, 2 to 4 in. wide; petioles 2 to 4 in. long. Flower stems<br />

3 to 6 in. long, spikes 2-flowered. Bracts pink, '5 in. long. Calyx<br />

1'5 in. long, tip entire lanceolate. Corolla 3 in. long, slender, lobes<br />

oblong hlunt, '75 in. long. Lip obovate, I in. long and wide, white,

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