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222 CXXXVI. ORCHIDElE. [Hetceria.<br />

(3) H. elata Hook. fil. F.B.I. vi. II6; Ic. Pl. t. 2191; Rldl.<br />

Journ. F.M.S. Mus. iv. 74 (not of Materials i. 221).<br />

Stem below leaves I in. long. Leaves 3 or 4 ovate acuminate,<br />

base round, 4 in. long, 1'5 in. wide; petioles 2 in. long. Peduncle<br />

14 in. long; raceme dense, many-flowered, 4 in. long, pubescent.<br />

Bracts longer than ovary, '2 in. long. Sepals ovate blunt, '1 in.<br />

long. Petals oblong blunt, as long. Lip ovate saccate, sides<br />

towards tip involute, tip ovate, 4 cylindric processes in 2 pairs,<br />

and orbicular plate with 2 processes pointing backwards. Anther<br />

short pear-shaped, beak blunt. Rostellum broad with 2 short<br />

points, stigmatic wall broad with 2 short teeth. Capsule elliptic,<br />

'25 in. long. Hab. Local on banks in forests. Perak, Batang<br />

Padang valley (Wray); Gunong Berumbun, summit (Ridley).<br />

(4) H. pauciflora Rzdl. Journ. F.M.5. Mus. iv. 73.<br />

Stem 5 in. long. Leaves narrow' lanceolate acuminate, 2 in.<br />

long, '4 in. wide; petioles'I in. long, sheaths '25 in. long. Peduncle<br />

2'5 in long; raceme I in. long, with 6 flowers; rachis pubescent.<br />

Bracts as long as ovary, '1 in long. Sepals ovate blunt, glabrous<br />

red dotted white, '1 in. long. Petals white linear narrower. Lip<br />

shorter saccate ovate, tip rolled into a tube, 2 semi-ovate ridges<br />

at base, and 2 central short keels. Pollinia pyriform elongate<br />

with large thick elliptic disc. Stigma deep and wide with projecting<br />

round walls. Rostellum broad with 2 subulate points. H abo Rare.<br />

Pahang, Telom (Ridley).<br />

(5) H. nitida Ridl. J ourn. Linn. Soc. xxxii. 404; Mat. i. 222.<br />

Stem I ft. tall. Leaves ovate acute dark polished green, 3'5 in.<br />

long, 1'5 in. wide; petioles 1'25 in. long. Scape 9 in. long, pubescent.<br />

Spike dense, many-flowered. Flowers '25 in. long. Bracts<br />

red, '25 in. long. Sepals ovate blunt pubescent red. Petals free<br />

spathulate white. Lip adnate to column ovate boat-shaped, edges<br />

at tip involute to an acute point, a row of linear processes on each<br />

side in lip base. Column arms linear. Anther ovate beaked.<br />

Pollinia pyriform on a single caudicle, disc linear. Rostellar arms<br />

linear short. Hab. In damp woods. Singapore, Bukit Timah;<br />

Chan Chu Kang. Penang, Pulau Betong (Curtis).<br />

(6) H. ophirensis Ridl. H. elata Rldl. Mat. i. 221 (not of Hook.<br />

fil.).<br />

Stem 2 to 3 in. long. Leaves ovate acuminate, 3-nerved, 4 in.<br />

long, 1'25 in. wide; petioles slender, I in. long. Peduncle slender,<br />

I ft. long. Raceme 3 in. long. Flowers very small. Bracts<br />

lanceolate long acuminate. Sepals ovate. Petals linear falcate.<br />

Lip boat-shaped ovate, tip sub-acute with numerous short processes<br />

in sac. Anther ovate. Column arms rather long. Rostellum<br />

deeply bifid. Hab. Malacca, Mt. Ophir on Gunong Tunduk at<br />

3000 ft. altitude (Ridley).<br />

(7) H. elegans Rtdl. Journ. Ltnn. Soc. xxxviii. 330.<br />

Stem 3 in. long. Leaves ovate acuminate. 3-nerved, 3 in. long,

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