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280 cxxxvn. ZINGIBERACElE. [Alpinia.<br />

at both ends glabrous, 18 in. long, 2 in. across; petioles I in. long.<br />

Panicle few to many-flowered with several short branches.<br />

Bracteoles very small, '25 in. long, oblong white. Calyx dilate<br />

above, split half-way, '5 in. long, white. Corolla tube shorter,<br />

lobes oblong, I in. long. Lip mdistinctly 3-lobed, tip truncate crisp<br />

orange with numerous red dots and veins, a dark red swelling at the<br />

base on each side. Capsule orange-red hairy, trivalved. Hab. In<br />

swampy spots. Common as a garden plant in Singapore. Johor,<br />

Pu]au Aor and Pulau Dayong (Feilding). Penang (Roxburgh).<br />

Distrib. Malay isles.<br />

(7) A. assimilis Ridl. ] ourn. Roy. As Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 166;<br />

Mat. ii. 50. A. mutica Hook. fil. Bot. Mag. t. 6908 (not of Roxburgh).<br />

Stems 6 ft. tall. Leaves lanceolate acuminate, 1'5 ft. long,<br />

1'5 in. wide, glabrous. Panicle 6 to 12 in. long, pubescent; branches<br />

few short. Bradeoles ovate, white, I in. long, Calyx '75 in. long.<br />

Corolla, tube '25 in. long, upper lobe I in. long, '75 in. wide, others<br />

smaller. Lip obovate, obscurely 3-lobed, 2 in. long, 1'5 in. wide,<br />

midlobe short crisp, orange, spotted and veined red, a pair of conic<br />

pubescent processes at base. Capsule orange hairy. Hab. By rivers<br />

and in open swamps. Singapore (Kunstler). Johor, Kota Tinggi.<br />

Pahang, Pekan. Province Wellesley, Ara Kudah and near Prai.<br />

Penang, Batu Feringhi (Curtis). Distrib. Malay isles.<br />

(8) A. Murdochii Rldl. ] ourn. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 44, p. 196;<br />

Mat. ii. 50.<br />

Stem over I ft. tall. Leaves eIIiptic-lanceolate acuminate, 7 in.<br />

long, :2 in. wide, pubescent, closely beneath; petioles very short<br />

with ligule and sheath very hairy. Panicle dense, 4 in. long, golden<br />

hairy; bracteole broad ovate hairy outside. Calyx'5 in. long,<br />

hairy at base. Corolla tube shorter, upper lobe hooded with a boss<br />

at the top, yellowish white, finely dotted red. Lip shorter obovate,<br />

3-lobed, mid-lobe bifid narrower, edges undulate, dotted and streaked<br />

red. Filament short. Hab. Mountains. Selangor, Semangkok<br />

Pass at 4000 ft. altitude; Gunong Mengkuang Lebah (Robinson);<br />

a less hairy form.<br />

(9) A. Seimundii Ridl.<br />

Stem slender, sheaths at top and petiole pubescent. Leaves<br />

lanceolate acuminate with a long point, glabrous except midrib<br />

pubescent on the back, I ft. long, 2 in. wide; petioles '25 in. long; -<br />

ligules silky. ,Panicle 5 in. long, pubescent, with tufts of hair below<br />

the branches, which are distant and about '5 in. long, and usually<br />

I-flowered. Bracts tubular broad with a round mouth, hairy, '5 in.<br />

long. Corolla tube slightly longer, lobes oblong blunt, hairy outside,<br />

'5 in. long. Lip 3-lobed with a narrow base '4 in. long, '3 in. wide,<br />

side-lobes rounded, median one smaller bifid, ending in 2 short<br />

slender points, 3 strong nerves running along the disc to the tip of<br />

the midrib. Staminodes very short at the base of the stamen.<br />

Anthf'f-cells elliptic pointed below, back hairy. Hab. Pahang,<br />

Kwala Teku (Seimund).

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