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218 CXXXVI. ORCHIDElE. [Zeuxine<br />

lanceolate acute glabrous reddish. Petals white ad nate to upper<br />

one. Lip, base saccate narrowed to limb, which is bilobed, lobes<br />

oblong divaricate, callus in sac conic emarginate. Hab. Very<br />

rare. Perak, Temengoh in a grassy swamp, one plant (Ridley).<br />

(6) Z. biloba Rtdl. Journ. F.M.S. Mus. iv. 73.<br />

Stem 6 to 7 in. tall. Leaves ovate-Ianceolate, base round, tip<br />

acute, 2'5 to 3 in. long, '75 to 1 in. wide; petioles '5 to '74 in.<br />

long. Scape 8 in. tall, pubescent, lower part nude. Flowers about<br />

20, lax. Upper sepal lanceolate blunt red-spotted at base, tip<br />

white, laterals oblong blunt red-hairy, '25 in. long. Petals linear<br />

blunt. Lip, base saccate, 2 short crenulate ridges inside, claw short<br />

channelled with a pair of triangular lobes on edge, limb large of<br />

2 white obovate round lobes. Hab. Rare. Mountain forests.<br />

Pahang, Telom (Ridley).<br />

(7) Z. rupestris Rtdl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 39, p. 86;<br />

Mat. i. 218.<br />

Plant slender, 6 to 8 in. tall. Leaves few lanceolate narrow<br />

blunt, '5 to '75 in. long, '12 in. wide. Scape slender pubescent.<br />

Flowers 2, terminal white. Sepals ovate hairy. Petals adnate<br />

to upper sepal. Lip with 2 linear processes in sac, claw minutely<br />

denticulate terete, limb of two oblong truncate lobes. Capsule<br />

'25 in. long. Hab. Rare, on the top of rocks in dead leaves at<br />

2500 ft. altitude. Penang Hill (Ridley).<br />

(8) Z. violascens Rtdl. Mat. i. 218. Hetreria purpurascens<br />

Bl. Orch. Ind. 105, pl. 37. Psychechilus purpurascens Bl. l.c. p. 71,<br />

pl. 18, fig. 3.<br />

Slender plant, 6 to 10 in. tall. Leaves lanceolate or ovatelanceolate<br />

acute purple with or without a central pink vein, '5 to<br />

1 in. long, '5 in. wide; petioles '12 in. long. Scape pubescent.<br />

Flowers 5 or 6 crowded at tip. Sepals oblong blunt, '2 in. long.<br />

Petals adnate to upper one. Lip as long as sepals, 2 curved processes<br />

in sac, sides involute, tip broader rounded obtuse. H abo<br />

Very rare, in wet forest, Johor, Tanjong Kupang (Ridley). Distrlb.<br />

Sumatra, Java.<br />

98. CHEIROSTYLIS, Bl.<br />

Terrestrial herbs, with small flowers in a raceme. Sepals connate<br />

in a gibbous-based tube to middle. Petals narrow. Lip insert at<br />

base of column, base saccate erect, limb shortly clawed, then<br />

broadly dilate toothed, crenate or entire. Column short with<br />

2 appendages in front. Rostellum bifid; stigmas 2 lateral. Anther<br />

erect, pollinia 2, caudicle short, disc oblong. Species about 20,<br />

Indo-Malaya, China, Formosa.<br />

(1) Ch. flabellata Wight, Ic. v. 16; Hook. fil. F.B.I. vi. 105.<br />

C. Goldschmidtiana Schlechter Orclus, 1915, 4, pl. i.<br />

Whole plant 3 to 6 in. tall. Leaves ovate, '5 to 6 in. long,<br />

'25 in. wide, blunt. Scape slender with a few rather large sheathing

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