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CXXXVI. ORCHIDE.£. [ Bulbophyllum.<br />

3 in. long. Flowers 10 in a whorl. Bracts ·25 in. long. Pedicels<br />

filiform, ·5 in. long. Upper sepal ovate acute, minutely mucronate,<br />

lower ones ·36 in. long, connate near tip only, tip shortly bifid.<br />

Petals glabrous half as long as upper sepal, ovate toothed. All<br />

white closely pink-spotted. Lip tongue-shaped linear blunt.<br />

Column white, foot pink spotted. Hab. On rocks. Setul, Bukit<br />

Rajah Wang (Ridley). .<br />

(81) B. Skeatianum Ridl. Joum. F.M.S. Mus. vi. 177.<br />

Pseudobulbs crowded obpyriform, I in. long, purple. Leaf<br />

linear-lanceolate blunt, I to 2 in. long, ·25 to ·36 in. wide. Scape<br />

5 in. long or less, slender purple. Bracts linear acuminate.<br />

Flowers 9 to 12 in a half whorl. Pedicels I in. long. Upper<br />

sepal ovate blunt, purplish red with red streaks, lower sepals bright<br />

red to orange red, linear acuminate, connate towards tip, I in.<br />

long. Petals ovate blunt deep red, purple as long as upper sepal.<br />

Lip tongue-shaped orange. Hab. Local on tree boughs. Pahang,<br />

Gunong Tahan, at 3000 to 5500 ft. altitude (Ridley).<br />

(82) B. purpurascens J"eysm. and Binn. Natur. Tidschr. xxiv.<br />

308. B. citrinum Rzdl. Mat. i. 75. Cirrhopetalum citrinum<br />

Ridl. J ourn. Lmn. Soc. xxxi. 279.<br />

Rhizome rather slender; pseudobulbs crowded to I in. apart,<br />

conic, hardly I in. long. Leaf obovate blunt, fleshy dark green or<br />

purple, 1·5 in. long, ·75 in. wide. Peduncle filiform shorter or<br />

longer. Flowers 10 crowded in a head, whorled, lemon yellow,<br />

nearly ·5 in. long. Bracts linear acute as long as pedicels. Upper<br />

sepal ovate-Ianceolate acute, laterals lanceolate-linear twice as<br />

long. Petals ovate acuminate or lanceolate acute, shorter than<br />

upper sepal. Lip curved sub-acute, 2-keeled. Column foot short,<br />

arms short broad blunt. Capsule elliptic, ·5 in. long. Hab. Common.<br />

Singapore, Tanjong Gol; Sungei Buluh. Johor, Sungei<br />

Bau. Malacca, Mt. Ophir; Cape Rachado (Williams). Perak,<br />

Thaiping. Distrib. S. Siam, Borneo. Java. Sumatra.<br />

(83) B. Annandalei Ridl.<br />

Rhizome moderately thick; pseudobulbs approximate truncate<br />

conic, ·5 in. long. Leaf coriaceous lanceolate blunt, narrowed to<br />

petiole, 4 in. long, ·6 in. wide; petiole ·25 in. long. Scape 3 in.<br />

tall. Flowers 2, deep crimson colour, faintly striped brown. Upper<br />

sepal ovate, ·5 in. long, ·24 in. wide, sub-acute, edge ciliate, lower<br />

sepals free except at base, I in. long, base dilate then narrowed,<br />

blade lanceolate acuminate, ·25 in. long. Petals ovate, ·25 in.<br />

long, edges fimbriate. Lip tongue-shaped curved fleshy large.<br />

Hab. Naung Chik, Bukit Besar. On a log across a stream at<br />

2000 ft. altitude (Annandale and Robinson).<br />

(84) B. campanulatum Rolfe, Kew Bulletin 1909, p. 62; Bot.<br />

Mag. t. 8281; Orch. Review 1910, 73, t. 6. B. auratum Rfdl. Mat.<br />

i. 82. Cirrhopetalum auratum Ridl. not Lindl.<br />

Rhizome short; pseudobulbs crowded ovoid grooved and

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