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Platyclinis.] CXXXVI. ORCHIDElE.<br />

distant. Leaf coriaceous elliptic-Ianceolate blunt, base narrowed,<br />

4'5 in. long, 1'5 in. wide or smaller; petioles '5 in. long. Scape<br />

nodding, 4 to 6 in. long, basal half nude. Bracts lanceolate blunt.<br />

Flowers numerous fleshy. Sepals broad lanceolate blunt. Petals<br />

shorter. Lip fleshy, side-lobes minutely toothed, tips free lanceolate<br />

acuminate, ridges 2, short from base to near middle of lip, midlobe<br />

ovate acuminate toothed. Column short straight, hood oblong tall<br />

toothed, arms short from near stigma, broad acuminate. Hab.<br />

Perak, Gunong Kerbau at 6500 ft. altitude (Robinson).<br />

(9) P. Kingii Hook. /il. F.B.I. v. 708; Ic. Pl. t. 2015.<br />

Pseudo bulbs elliptic-oblong, I in. long. Leaf lanceolate-linear<br />

acuminate, 6 to 10 in. long, '25 in. wide. Racemes 9 in. long,<br />

lower half nude. Flowers about 24, pale green, lip darker, '25 in.<br />

wide. Bracts lanceolate twice as long as ovary. Sepals lanceolate<br />

acute. Petals wider. Lip side-lobes broad round, midlobe ovate<br />

or lanceoiate with 2-curved calli at base. Column very short,<br />

broad arms short toothed from upper part, hood long entire. Hab.<br />

Mountains, Pahang, Gunong Tahan. Perak, Thaiping Hills (all<br />

collectors); Gunong Kerbau (Robinson). Distrib. Borneo.<br />

(10) P. sarawakensis Ridl. Journ. Linn. Soc. xxxi. 267.<br />

Pseudobulbs oblong, '75 in. long. Leaf lanceolate, 7 in. long,<br />

'75 in. wide; petioles I in. long. Racemes 8 in. long. Bracts<br />

lanceolate acute. Sepals lanceolate acute. Petals blunt, all<br />

greenish yellow. Lip side-lobes sub-quadrate toothed, midlobe<br />

oblong ovate cuspidate, green, a double keel at base. Column<br />

short, hood large, arms very short oblong toothed. Hab. Rare.<br />

Perak, Thaiping Hills (Curtis). Distrib. Borneo.<br />

6. DIPLOCAULOBIUM, Rchb. fi1.<br />

Epiphytes pseudobulbs slender crowded. Leaf I, coriaceous.<br />

Flower solitary terminal from an ovate or lanceolate bract on a<br />

long slender peduncle. Sepals and petals lanceolate caudate,<br />

mentum short blunt. Lip 3-lobed, side-lobes erect falcate, midlobe<br />

longer, base narrowed, tip abruptly dilate with 2 keels.<br />

Column very short. Species about 30, Amboina, Papua, Polynesia,<br />

I in Singapore and Borneo.<br />

(I) D. longicolle Kranzl. Pflanzen reich. iv. 50, p. 340. Dendrobium<br />

longicolle Lmdl. Bot. Reg. 1840; Mt·sc. 127; Ridl. Mat. i. 34.<br />

Rhizome short; pseudobulb in large clumps flattened, clubshaped,<br />

4 to 8 in. long, '12 in. through at base. Leaf lanceolate<br />

unequally bilobed, 5 in. long, I in. wide. Bracts brown lanceolate<br />

acute, I in. long. Pedicel 3 in. long. Sepals 1'5 in. long, '25 in.<br />

wide at base, yellow, tipped red, mentum '25 in. long. Petals<br />

similar smaller. Lip yellow, side-lobes '25 in. long, midlobe cordate,<br />

edge crisped, base narrowed. Column yellow. Hab. Rare. On<br />

tree-stumps and on ·the ground, woods near the sea, Singapore<br />

(Cuming); Sungei Morai (Ridley). Distrib. Borneo.

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