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CXXXVI. ORCHIDEJE. [Eulophia.<br />

(3) E. Keithii Ridl. J ourn. Linn. Soc. xxxii. 333; Mat. i. 138.<br />

Pseudobulbs 3 to 5 in. long, I in. through, cylindroconic. Leaves<br />

linear acuminate, 2·5 in. long, ·3 in. wide. Scape 1·2 in. tall,<br />

simple. Flowers 9, about 1·5 in. wide. Bracts ·12 in. long, lanceolate<br />

acute; pedicels I in. long. Sepals ·75 in. long, linear acute.<br />

Petals broader, all green. Lip green except midlobe white with<br />

brown reticulations, side-lobes falcate, midlobe obovate retuse<br />

crisp, keels 3 undulate ending in a conic yellow callus, spur clubbed,<br />

·25 in. long. Column broad winged; anther with 2 recurved red<br />

processes .. Hab. Limestone rocks. Kedah, Gunong Geriang.<br />

Pulau Adang group, Pulau Butang, and Pulau Tengah (Ridley).<br />

Lankawi isles (Curtis). Pedis, Bukit Lagi. Distrib. Siam.<br />

(4) E. macrorrhiza Bl. Orch. 183, t. 63, figs. 2AB, 66B.<br />

Saprophytic leafless; rhizome very large, fleshy oblong. Scapes<br />

I or 2, about 2 ft. tall, dull reddish, stout. Flowers about I in.<br />

long, rather distant. Bracts subulate linear, over I in. long.<br />

Sepals oblong-Ianceolate not gibbous at base. Petals broader and<br />

shorter, all dull red. Lip saccate at base, shortly broad spurred,<br />

side-lobes long, rather narrow, midlobe short ovate blunt, pink<br />

with a purple base and central whitish bar spur white. Column<br />

tall curved, with a short blunt hood. Hab Rare. Perak (Scortechini<br />

drawing); on the track to Jor in Ulu Batang Padang (Ridley).<br />

Distrib. Java.<br />

44. GEODORUM, Jack.<br />

Terrestrial herbs with a tuberous rhizome and broad thin leaves.<br />

Scape from rhizome. Flowers medium in decurved racemes pink,<br />

yellow or white. Bracts narrow. Sepals and petals similar Ian ceolate<br />

acute. Lip sessile on column, base entire boat-shaped with a<br />

central ridge and callus. Column stout short, with low wings.<br />

Anther ovate. Pollinia 2, on a strap-shaped caudicle. Capsule<br />

large elliptic pendulous. Species 5 or 6, Indo-Malaya, Australia.<br />

Sepals blunt; flowers pink, ·s in. long, opening. . (I) G. purpureum<br />

Sepals lanceolate acute; flowers cream, 1·5 in. wide,<br />

expanded . . (2) G. citrinum<br />

(I) G. purpureum Br. Ait. Hort. Kew, Ed. ii. v. 207; King,<br />

Ann. Bot. Card. Calc. viii. 181, t. 245 (var. album); Ridl. Mat. i.<br />

138. G. fucatum Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1687.<br />

Pseudobulbs small; stem 3 to 4 in. tall. Leaves ovate-Ian ceolate<br />

acuminate, 9 to 12 in. long, 3 in. wide. Scape 18 in. tall;<br />

raceme 2 in. long, decurved. Bracts .36 in. long. Flowers pink<br />

(or white), ·5 in. long, not spreading. Sepals oblong blunt. Petals<br />

little broader. Lip oblong entire or emarginate, pink dotted darker,<br />

a central yellow patch, callus at base conic. Hab. In grass-fields<br />

and waste ground. Malacca, Mt. Ophir (Griffith); Relau (base of<br />

Ophir); Bukit Sadanen (Derry). Negri Sembilan, Siliau (Williams).<br />

Dutrib. India, Siam, Borneo, Java.

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