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CXXXVII. ZINGIBERACE..E. [Geostachys.<br />

(I) G. deCun'da Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 158;<br />

Mat. ii. 45. Alpinia decurvata Bak. in Hook. fil. F.B.I. vi. 257.<br />

Stems 4 to 5 ft. tall. Leaves narrow lanceolate acuminate, 18 in.<br />

long, 1'5 in. wide; petioles'5 in. long. Leaves 12 to 14 in. long, with<br />

long dry lanceolate sheaths at base. Spikes secund distant lanceolate,<br />

I in. long on peduncles '5 in. long. Flowers 2 in a spike.<br />

Corolla-lobes lanceolate blunt, '5 in. long, buff. Lip I in. long,<br />

obcuneate oblong buff. Anther-crest small, round. Capsule<br />

elongate dark red. Hab. Forests at 3000 ft. altitude. Perak,<br />

Thaiping Hills (Kunstler).<br />

(2) G. secunda Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 158; Mat.<br />

ii. 44. AJpinia secunda Bak. in Hook. fil. F.B.I. vi. 257.<br />

Stems 18 in. tall. Leaves about 4, elliptic-Ianceolate cuspidate,<br />

base narrow, I ft. long, 3 in. wide; petioles 1'5 in. long. Scapes<br />

decurved, 4 in. long; flower spikes numerous secund; peduncles'5<br />

in. long. Flowers 2 in a spike, yellowish. Bracts pubescent.<br />

Calyx '25 in. long. Corolla tube shorter, lobes '5 in. long. Lip<br />

oblong, obtuse longer. Anther crestless. Capsule '5 in. long,<br />

dark red. Hab. Mountains on rocks at 3000 to 4000 ft. altitude.<br />

Perak, Gunong Batu Putih (Kunstler); Bujong Malacca.<br />

(3) G. rupestris Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 157;<br />

Mat. ii. 45.<br />

Rhizome woody, stout. Leaves broad lanceolate cuspidate, 8 in.<br />

long, 1'5 in. wide; petioles short. Scapes decurved secund, 3 in.<br />

long. Spikes I in. long. Calyx spathaceous, pink, limb ovate<br />

cuspidate, '5 in. long. Corolla tube slender shorter, lobes oblong<br />

lanceolate, yellow. Lip obovate yellow with red marks. Anthercrest<br />

small rounded. Hab. Mountains on rocks at 4000 ft. altitude.<br />

Pahang, Gunong Tahan. Kedah Peak (Ridley).<br />

(4) G. densiflora Ridl.<br />

Rhizome stout woody. Stem over I ft. tall. Leaves narrow<br />

lanceolate, narrowed to base, 16 to 18 in. long, 1'5 in. wide; petioles<br />

'5 to I in. long, slender; ligules narrow, '5 in. long. Scape 4 in. long.<br />

Rachis and peduncles hairy. Spikes '75 in. long, 2-flowered. Calyx<br />

pink spathaceous long-cuspidate. Corolla lobes linear-oblong, pink.<br />

Lip obovate-oblong, buff, '75 in. long. Anther-crest large round.<br />

Capsule sub-globose red. Hab. Local at 4000 ft. altitude. Perak,<br />

Gunong Kerbau (Robinson).<br />

(5) G. penangensis Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 159.<br />

Stem about 18 in. tall. Leaves narrow lanceolate acuminate both<br />

ends, I ft. long, I to 1'5 in. wide; petioles '25 in. long. Scapes<br />

deflexed second, 3 in. long. Bracts slightly pubescent. Spikes·6<br />

in. long including 2 flowers; peduncles'I in. long. Calyx'5 in. long.<br />

Corolla tube shorter, red, lobes '5 in. long. Lip nearly I in. long,<br />

. 5 in. across, trilobed, side-lobes short, midlobe obovate ochre yellow.<br />

Anther crestless. Hab. Very local. Penang Hill. Abundant at<br />

2000 ft. altitude on banks (Curtis).

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