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220 CXXXVI. ORCHIDEJE. [Goodyera.<br />

(3) G. rubens Bl. Orch. Arch. Ind. 43, pls. 9c, 9D.; Ridl. Mat. i.<br />

219. Stem stout, 8 in. tall or more. Leaves 8 or 9, rather distant<br />

oblong-lanceolate acuminate oblique, 3 to 7 in. long, I'S to 2'S in.<br />

wide. Scape I ft. tall, reddish pubescent. Flowers numerous<br />

sessile red. Bracts lanceolate subulate longer than ovary, 'S in.<br />

long. Sepals blunt acuminate puberulous. Petals adnate to<br />

upper one. Lip saccate, boat-shaped, tip acute, sac villous inside.<br />

Anther lanceolate; pollinia 2, clubbed tapering, on one caudicle<br />

to disc. Hab. Local, Perak, upper part of Badang Padang v:llley<br />

(Wray). Distrzb. Java.<br />

(4) G. folios a Hook fil. F.B.I. vi. II3; King, Ann. Bot. Gard.<br />

Calc. 281, pl. 374. Georchis foliosa Lindl. Gen. and Sp. Orch. pl. 496.<br />

Whole plant about 6 to 12 in. tall. Leaves ovate-lanceolate<br />

oblique acute, I'S to 2'S in. long, I'2S in. wide; petioles'3 in. long.<br />

Spike sessile, 2 to 3 in. long, pubescent. Bracts'3 in. long, longer<br />

than the flowers. Flowers pink (white tinged) flesh colour (Wray).<br />

Sepals ovate-lanceolate blunt" '24 in. long. Petals half oblong.<br />

Lip base deep saccate hairy within. Anther lanceolate. Rostellar<br />

arms long slender. H abo Rare. Perak, Gunong Brumber Pahang<br />

at 7000 ft. altitude (Wray). Distnb. India, Burma.<br />

(S) G. cordata Hook. fil. F.B.I. vi. II4; Ie. Pl. 2187; Ridl. Mat.<br />

i. 220. Georchis cordata Lindl. Gen. and Sp. Orch. pl. 496.<br />

Stem slender ascending. Leaves about 4, ovate acute, crisped,<br />

I in. long, '7S in. wide; petioles'S in. long. Scape 3 to 4 in. tall.<br />

Flowers 2 to 8, red, ·S in. long. Sepals lanceolate acute acuminate<br />

greenish tipped red or all red. Petals adnate to upper sepals.<br />

Lip short oblong sub-acute, tip recurved, two hairy patches at base.<br />

Anthere lanceolate long-acuminate. Pollinia 4 clubbed, one caudicle.<br />

Rostellum long, lobes linear-lanceolate. Hab. Perak (Scortechini).<br />

Penang, Fern Hill (Ridley and Curtis). Distrib. India.<br />

(6) G. lanceolata Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 39, p. 86;<br />

Mat. i. 220.<br />

Stem 9 in. tall. Leaves lanceolate acuminate, I'S in. long,<br />

'S in. wide. Scape 3'5 in. tall, pubescent, few-flowered. Bracts<br />

36 in. long, woolly-pubescent. Sepals lanceolate, laterals oblique,<br />

·S in. long, acuminate, reddish woolly-pubescent. Petals ad nate<br />

to upper sepals, reddish. Lip base saccate adnate to column,<br />

glabrous within with a tuft of digitate processes on each side, apex<br />

acuminate. Anther very long acuminate. Pollinia '2S in. long,<br />

clubbed, with 2 yellow caudicles connate half-way. Rostellum<br />

long, shortly acutely bifid. Hab. Mountains, very rare. Selangor.<br />

Semangkok Pass (Curtis). One specimen.<br />

100. RET lERIA, Bl.<br />

Terrestrial herbs, with a creeping ascending stem. Leaves<br />

ovate or lanceolate, petioled. Spike slender dense. Flowers small.

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