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282 CXXXVII. ZINGIBERACE..E. [Alpinia.<br />

(II) A. aurantiaca Ridl. jOllrH. F.M.S. Mus. iv. 78.<br />

Tall plant 6 ft. high. Leaves lanceolate cuspidate, I ft. long,<br />

3 in. wide, softly hairy beneath; petioles I to 2 in. long, pubescent.<br />

Panicle spicate dense; rachis thick, pubescent. Bracts ovate<br />

pubescent. Calyx'5 in. long, brown, bilobed. Corolla tube as<br />

long, lobes oblong hooded, orange. Lip a little shorter broad<br />

obovate tapeIing to a point ending in two short tails, orange,<br />

streaked red on the side-lobes. Staminodes erect fleshy, glabrous<br />

dark red. Stamen orange. Hab. Dense mountain forest. Pahang,<br />

Telom to Gunong Berumbun to 4500 ft. altitude (Ridley).<br />

Kelantan, Chaning Woods (Ridley),<br />

var. hirtior Rid!. Panicle densely golden silky. Perak, Gunong<br />

Kerbau at 4000 ft. altitude (Robinson). Kelantan, Chaning Woods<br />

(Ridley).<br />

(12) A. pahangensis Ridl.<br />

Stem moderately stout. Leaves linear-oblong with a setaceous<br />

point, base acuminate softly hairy all over, 2 ft. long, 3'5 in. wide;<br />

petioles '5 in. long, ligules ovate blunt hairy. Raceme stout, 8 in.<br />

long, velvety hairy. Bracts at base lanceolate acuminate with a<br />

long setaceous point, pale papery, lowest 4'25 in. long. Flowers<br />

numerous; pedicels densely velvety hairy, '2 in. long. Bracts<br />

persistent, '5 in. long, hairy at base and top sheathing the flower.<br />

Calyx tubular tmncate or obscurely 3-lobed, '4 in. long. Corolla<br />

tube as long, lobes linear-lanceolate hairy acute, ·6 in. long. Lip<br />

I in. long, side-lobes broad truncate, midlobe oblong entire, with<br />

2 short processes at base. Stamen '75 in long, crestless. Ovary<br />

silky. Hab. Pahang, Pekan (Evans).<br />

(13) A. nobilis Rldl. j OUnt. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 169;<br />

Mat. ii. 51.<br />

Stems stout, 6 to 12 ft. tall, I in. through, pubescent. Leaves<br />

oblong cuspidate, base oblique, 2 ft. long, 6 in. wide, velvety pubescent<br />

beneath; petioles I in. long, brown velvety, ligules as long.<br />

Raceme I ft. long, with 2 very large sheaths. Bract 3-lobed, 2 in.<br />

long, white pubescent, tipped carmine. Corolla tube shorter, lobes<br />

oblong, 1'5 in. long, hairy white. Lip 2'5 in. long, 2 in. wide, cordate<br />

bilobed, lobes large oblong crisped, sides and disc blood-red with lines<br />

of yellow white spots, tip lemon, nerves crimson hairy, keel at base<br />

and pustular elevations at base of stamen. Stamen pubescent.<br />

Capsule globose, flattened at both ends, orange hairy. Hab.<br />

Forests near streams. A splendid species. Pahang, Kwala<br />

Tembeling. Selangor, Ginting Bidai (Ridley).<br />

(14) A. latilabris Rtdl. journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 32, p. 168;<br />

Mat. ii. 51.<br />

About 12 ft. tall, stout, glabrous except midrib, petiole and ligule,<br />

2'5 ft. long, 3 in. wide, narrow lanceolate; petioles I in. long.<br />

Panicle pubescent large, outer bracts oblong-Ianceolate, 2 in. long,<br />

I in. across, rosy white. Calyx dilate upwards white, rose-tipped.

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