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I2 CXXXVI. ORCHIDE..£. [Microstylis.<br />

long, 1'20 in. wide or less. Raceme 4 in. tall, nude below with<br />

about 6 flowers, distant at the top. Bracts lanceolate acuminate<br />

deflexed, '1 in. long. Pedicel and ovary slender, '3 in. long. Sepals<br />

and petals linear narrow, '25 in. long. Lip oblong-orbicular, base<br />

broad truncate, no auricles, edge toothed, teeth rather long<br />

acuminate, '25 in. across, green, strongly veined. Column short,<br />

arms short blunt emerald green. Hab. Lankawi, Kwala Kwah<br />

(Haniff).<br />

The original M. macrochila Rolfe, is considerably larger than this, the<br />

lip being 1 m. long and dark red. It is a native of Siam.<br />

(5) M. congesta Rchb. fil. Walp. Ann. vi. 206; King, Ann. Bot.<br />

Gard. Calc. viii. 19, pl. 23; Ridl. Mat. i. 14.<br />

Stem swollen at base, 2 in. tall. Leaves 4 to 5 unequal ovate<br />

to ovate-Ianceolate acuminate, largest 6 to 7 in. long, 2 in. wide.<br />

Raceme 8 to 12 in. long, basal half nude. Flowers very small<br />

crowded yellow or crimson. Sepals oblong, laterals broader.<br />

Petals linear. Lip, auricles 0, 3-lobed, side lobes broad blunt,<br />

median longer narrower. / Capsule '5 in. long, oblong obconic ribs<br />

crenulate. Hab. Common in dry woods, Singapore, Bukit Timah;<br />

Kranji. Malacca, Batu Tiga; Mount Ophir and Sungei Hudang<br />

(Derry). Pahang, Selinsing (Machado). Perak, Thaiping Hills at<br />

2500 ft. altitude. Penang Hill and Pulau Betong (Curtis), Lankawi<br />

(Curtis). Setul. Distrib. India, Cochin-China. Borneo, China,<br />

Australia. Natwe name: Sigundol hutan.<br />

(6) M. flavoviridis Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 61, p. 37.<br />

Stem weak ascending, whole plant II in. long. Leaves scattered<br />

lanceolate, 2 in. long, '75 in. wide, narrowed to petiole, '5 in.<br />

long. Raceme few-flowered; flowers distant small. Bracts -12 in.<br />

long, very narrow. Flowers '12 in. wide, greenish yellow turning<br />

light red; pedicels slender longer than bract. Upper sepal linear,<br />

laterals deflexed wider oblong blunt. Petal narrower oblong. Lip<br />

sub-triangular oblong; auricles long acute, limb triangular-Ianceolate<br />

narrowed to retuse lip. Hab. Very rare, Perak, Gunong Kerbau<br />

on Gunong Bal, at 4500 ft. altitude (Haniff).<br />

(7) M. micrantha Hook. fil. F.B.I. v. 688; Ie. Pl. t. 1834;<br />

Ridl. Mat. i. 14.<br />

Stem not swollen, slender creeping, 6 in. long or more. Leaves<br />

sub-distichous, lanceolate or ovate-Ianceolate, acute crisped coppery,<br />

2 to 4 in. long, '75 in. wide; petioles purple, '5 in. long. Scapes<br />

1 to 2 slender, 6 to 8 in. long. Flowers very small, scattered.<br />

Sepals lorate blunt, purplish. Petals a little smaller. Lip ovate,<br />

auricles lorate blunt large, teeth at tip 4, short acute and median<br />

one blunt, bright yellow. Column green, arms rounded. Capsule<br />

oblong, '5 in. long. Hab. On rocks, and among dead leaves in damp<br />

forest, Singapore, Changi; Selitar. Johor, Batu Pahat; Tempayan<br />

River, Malacca (Derry). Perak, Thaiping Hills (Hervey, Scortechini).<br />

Distrib. Borneo.

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