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IIO cxxxvr. ORCHIDEAJ:. [C eratostylis.<br />

(3) C. erireoides Hook. fil. Ic. Pl. 2074 B; Ridl. Mat. i. lIO.<br />

Eria pygmrea Hook. /il. F.B.I. v. 804.<br />

Dwarf tufted plant; stems'5 in. long. Leaf I, linear-oblanceolate<br />

blunt thick, 1'5 to 2 in. long, '25 in .. wide. Scape as long<br />

filiform, I-flowered. Flower'5 to ·6 in. wide, tomentose. Sepals<br />

ovate-Ianceolate; mentum short. Petals oblanceolate acute. Lip<br />

much shorter, base saccate, limb tongue-shaped with 2 pubescent<br />

keels. Hab. Selangor, Gunong Mengkuang Lebah (Robinson).<br />

Perak, without locality (Wray and Scortechini).<br />

(4) C. cryptantha Ridl. J ourn. Linn. Soc. xxxii. 309 ; Mat. i. IIO.<br />

Dwarf tufted plant; stems '5 in. long. Leaves 2, linear subacute,<br />

5 in. long, '12 in. wide. Scape filiform, '36 in. long, woolly.<br />

Flower I, '25 in. long ; pedicel woolly. Bract minute ovate. Sepals<br />

ovate blunt pubescent, white. Petals ovate mucronate oblique,<br />

crimson, mucro and midrib white. Lip-claw long linear, side-lobes<br />

blunt broad, midlobe reniform, cream colour with fleshy ovate<br />

callus on disc. Column short, foot long slender; arms incurved<br />

obscure. Capsule elliptic, '25 in. long. Hab. On trees at 2000 ft.<br />

altitude. Selangor, Semangkok (Curtis). Perak, Thaiping Hills;<br />

Hermitage Hill (Ridley). Penang Hill (Curtis).<br />

(5) C. linearis Ridl. Journ. Roy. As. Soc. S. Br. 61, p. 40.<br />

Tufted plant, a short rhizome with close tufts of 2 leaves.<br />

Leaves linear, fleshy channelled, 2'5 in. long, '1 in. wide. Flower<br />

'2 in. long on a pedicel '25 in. long, white hairy. Peduncle '25 in.<br />

long. Bract long lanceolate acuminate. Sepals white pubescent<br />

oblong, mentum cylindric blunt as long as ovary. Petals lanceolate<br />

acuminate, white with purple blotch on tip. Lip base broad, sidelobes<br />

short upcurved, midlobe ovate blunt white. Column short,<br />

broad, top edged purple. Capsule elliptic, '25 in. long. Hab.<br />

Rare. On mangrove and other trees. Singapore, Pasir Panjang.<br />

Kelantan, Chaning Woods (Ridley).<br />

(6) C. linearifolia Ridl.<br />

Stems short, thick, I in. long, covered with pale reticulate<br />

sheaths. Leaf I, elongate linear-Ianceolate coriaceous, 6 to 8 in.<br />

long, '25 in. wide, tip unequally bifid, base long narrowed to a<br />

petiole. Flower I, white on a pedicel '5 in. long, hairy. Bract<br />

ovate acuminate, '08 in. long. Sepals narrow lanceolate long<br />

acuminate, .3 in. long, spur scrotiform. Petals as long narrower.<br />

Lip as long narrow, side-lobes round short erect, midlobe much<br />

longer linear acuminate fleshy. Column short thick, arms roundoblong,<br />

large. Hab. Pahang, Fraser Hill (Burkill and Holttum).<br />

Lankawi, Gunong Raya (Haniff).<br />

(7) C. robusta Hook. fil. F.B.I. v. 827; I c. Pl. t. 2103; Ridl.<br />

Mat. i. III.<br />

Stems stout branched, 8 to IO in. tall, sheaths '5 to '75 in. long,<br />

reticulate silvery. Leaves 4 to 5 in. long, '5 in. wide, lanceolate<br />

acuminate. Flower I, woolly, pale yellow, '5 in. long; pedicel

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