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eakaway thrust<br />

2 Altitude at which pilot abandons approach in bad<br />

weather.<br />

3 In nuclear explosion, point in space or time at which<br />

shockfront moves ahead of expanding fireball.<br />

breakaway thrust Engine power needed to initiate movement<br />

and reach taxiing speed.<br />

breakdown book Record of physical changes introduced<br />

during maintenance, servicing or repair.<br />

breakdown drawing Isometric or perspective drawing<br />

showing parts separated from each other by being<br />

displaced along one or more axes. Often called exploded<br />

drawing.<br />

breakdown potential Dielectric strength.<br />

breaker strip 1 Linear narrow de-icing element, either<br />

thermal or mechanical, arranged along leading edge (eg of<br />

wing or engine inlet strut) to split ice accretion into two<br />

parts.<br />

2 See stall strip.<br />

break-even load factor Load factor at which a particular<br />

flight, service, aircraft type or overall airline operation<br />

shows a net profit.<br />

break-even point 1 In any commercial aircraft operation,<br />

load factor at which total revenue equals total cost.<br />

2 In manufacture, number of sales required to cover<br />

investment.<br />

breakin, break-in First bench run of new type of engine<br />

or other device, or following major overhaul.<br />

break lock To use ECM or other countermeasure to<br />

make hostile tracking system (eg IR or radar) cease to<br />

track friendly or own aircraft.<br />

breakoff phenomenon Mental state experienced by crews<br />

of high-altitude aircraft and spacecraft of being divorced<br />

from other humanity.<br />

break-out Point at which flight crew receive first<br />

forward visual cues afer an approach through cloud.<br />

breakout force Minimum force required to move pilot’s<br />

flying controls (each axis considered separately). If not<br />

measured at zero airspeed, airspeed must be quoted.<br />

breakout panel One panel in aircraft canopy through<br />

which occupant[s] can escape in emergency.<br />

breakpoint 1 In system responding to high-frequency<br />

input, the corner frequency (as seen on a Bode plot) where<br />

f =1/2Tπ.<br />

2 In EDP, point in program or routine at which, upon<br />

manual insertion of * instruction, machine will stop and<br />

verify progress.<br />

3 Sudden change in slope of graphic plot, eg point at<br />

which payload has to fall from maximum value in plot<br />

against range. Also called knee.<br />

break price Quantity at which unit price changes.<br />

breakthrough propulsion physics NASA project<br />

searching for a way to travel at a significant fraction of the<br />

speed of light.<br />

break-up Separation of single radar blip into discrete<br />

parts each caused by a target.<br />

break-up circuit Electrical circuit linking airborne<br />

portions of break-up system.<br />

break-up shot Artillery shot designed to break into small<br />

fragments upon leaving muzzle and thus travel only a<br />

short distance.<br />

break-up system System designed to break unmanned<br />

vehicle, such as ballistic missile, space launcher or RPV,<br />

into fragments sufficiently small to cause minor damage<br />

if they should fall on inhabited area.<br />

bridge<br />

break X To break (2) at point of minimum range for<br />

launch of own AAM, where X symbol appears on cockpit<br />

display.<br />

breather 1 An open pipe connecting interior of device,<br />

such as piston engine to atmosphere to dissipate moisture<br />

or oil vapour.<br />

2 A centrifuge to which air carrying finely divided lubricating<br />

oil is piped at the start of the return circuit; all oil<br />

is centrifuged out for re-use, the hot air being expelled.<br />

breathing 1 Flow of air and exhaust gas through piston<br />

engine, esp. the way this is limited by constraints of flow<br />

path.<br />

2 Flow of air and/or gas into and out of aerostat in<br />

course of flight.<br />

3 Very small air and oil vapour flow through breather<br />

holes or ducts provided to equalise pressure inside and<br />

outside an engine.<br />

4 Generally, escape of air from all volumes as aircraft<br />

climbs, to be replaced by [usually more humid] air on<br />

descent.<br />

breech In a gun, end of barrel opposite muzzle, through<br />

which shot is normally loaded.<br />

breech-block Rigid metal block normally serving to<br />

insert and withdraw shell cases, resist recoil force on fired<br />

case and seal breech during firing; usually oscillates in line<br />

with barrel axis.<br />

breeches piece Tubular assembly, often shaped like pair<br />

of shorts, serving to bifurcate jetpipe or join two jetpipes<br />

into common pipe.<br />

breeze In Beaufort scale, ranges from light* (4 mph) to<br />

fresh * (24 mph).<br />

Breguet formula Rule-of-thumb formula for giving<br />

flight range of classical aeroplane, and reasonably accurate<br />

for all types of aerodyne; range given by multiplying<br />

together L/D ratio, ratio of cruising speed divided by sfc,<br />

and log e of ratio of aircraft weight at start and finish<br />

expressed as decimal fraction greater than 1. Units must<br />

be compatible throughout.<br />

BREMA, Brema British Radio and Electronic-equipment<br />

Manufacturers Association.<br />

bremsstrahlung Electromagnetic radiation emitted by<br />

fast charged particles, esp. electrons, subjected to positive<br />

or negative acceleration by atomic nuclei. Radiation has<br />

continuous spectra (eg, X-rays).<br />

brennschluss Cessation of operation of rocket, for whatever<br />

cause.<br />

BREO On-board avionics (R).<br />

Brétigny Location, southwest of Paris, of Centre des<br />

Essais en Vol (CEV).<br />

brevet Flying badge worn on uniform, especially<br />

denoting qualification as flight-crew member.<br />

BRF Short approach is required or desired (ICAO).<br />

BRG, Brg Bearing (2).<br />

BRH Bundesrechnungshof [Federal audit office] (G).<br />

BRHZ Mist, haze.<br />

BRI Basic-rate interface.<br />

brick Portable data store which transfers mission data<br />

to aircraft systems (colloq.).<br />

bridge Permanently installed pedestrian connector<br />

linking terminal with aircraft. Almost all are covered, and<br />

provided with powered movement controlled from the<br />

free end. The movement usually includes vertical elevation,<br />

lateral traverse and telescopic linear extension, and<br />

the terminal end may be able to interface with one level<br />


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