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Your Plot Statement The first Epiphany Bridge story you will tell is the

one that got you excited about your new opportunity in the first place. Take a

few minutes to think about your story.

You are the character, so that step is easy. But what desire started you on

your journey? What did you want to achieve? Write it down. Next, what was the

conflict you experienced along the way? Write it down. Boom! You’ve got a

plot. Now write out your basic plot in one sentence, like I did for Little Red

Riding Hood above. Here is an example:

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Russell Brunson, who

wanted to figure out a way to support his new family without having to

get a traditional job. So he started selling information products (potato

gun DVDs) online. But one day, Google’s ad costs tripled, and his

little business dried up overnight.

Character: Russell Brunson

Desire: Support his new family

Conflict: Google’s ad costs tripled and his business dried up overnight

That is the basic structure of every story. When I’m first building out my

inventory of stories (which you will do in Secret #9), I always start with a plot

statement. This allows me to tell the entire story in just a few seconds, if I need

to. Or I can fill in the details and talk for hours.

Now that you have the basic plot written out, let’s dig deeper into each

element so you have the tools you need to flesh out your stories and really hook

into people’s emotions.

1. Build rapport with the hero. The first 10% of any movie is all

about building rapport with the hero, so we have a vested interest

in their journey. If we don’t build rapport with the hero in the

story, then no one cares what else happens to them on their

journey. If you do a good job of building that rapport up front, the

audience will be engaged throughout the whole thing. You want

people to get into a rapport with the hero quickly. The fastest way

to do that is to connect with two or more of these core identities:

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