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Question #4: What is my Epiphany Bridge origin story?

Answer: The story about how I bombed at my first event and Armand

Morin taught me how to do the stack

Question #5: What are three false beliefs they have about this new

opportunity (the 3 Secrets), and what Epiphany Bridge stories will

I tell to break those false belief patterns?

I broke them down like this:

A. What is their #1 false belief about webinars (the vehicle we

were putting them into)?

B. What Epiphany Bridge story do I have that got me to believe

in webinars?

I knew my epiphany had occurred when I learned the script for how to sell

on webinars (which eventually became the Perfect Webinar). So I then wrote on

the whiteboard:

Secret #1: It’s All About the Script

Then I went into Secret #2.

C. What is their #1 false belief about their personal ability to

execute on this vehicle?

D. What Epiphany Bridge story do I have that got me to believe

in my abilities?

For me, my big epiphany was understanding how the webinar model

worked, and that I could actually do it. So I then wrote on the whiteboard:

Secret #2: Understanding the Model

Finally, I thought about the third secret.

E. What is their #1 false belief or outside force that they think

will keep them from success?

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