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too shabby, right?

The next day, as I was leaving the event, one of the attendees who heard the

presentation told me she loved it, but since she was a coach and didn’t have a

supplement to sell, she couldn’t use ClickFunnels.

I gave her a puzzled look.

She pointed out that all the examples I had showed were people selling

supplements, but she didn’t have one. I told her that I use ClickFunnels for my

coaching business, and showed her a few of my funnels. She got so excited, she

ran back into the event and grabbed two of her friends. They all filled out order

forms and handed them to me before I left the hotel. I closed three people who

hadn’t signed up before!

This interaction showed that my presentation wasn’t perfect. So on my

flight home, I tweaked it by adding a few more slides showing different funnels

and giving examples of how other industries can use ClickFunnels.

The next week, I did the presentation live to about 600 entrepreneurs on a

webinar. When it was over, we had sold about $30k, which wasn’t too bad. But I

knew it should have been more. I had to deliver the webinar again in a few hours

to another group of entrepreneurs, so I tweaked it again. I exported all the

questions people had asked, reviewed them, then changed my slides based on the

questions they had during my presentation. I saw all the spots where I had

explained things wrong or didn’t give enough detail or flat-out missed things

people actually wanted.

Four hours later, I delivered this revised presentation to about 500

entrepreneurs, and this time we sold $120k live! I repeated this same process

60+ times over the next 12 months—doing a live webinar, exporting questions,

and adjusting the presentation.

It’s probably why one of my friends and conversion experts, Joe Lavery,

said this after watching my presentation:

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!