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between each question.

3. The best time of day for your webinar depends a lot on your

market. I schedule my webinars during the day because most

people in my market are entrepreneurs who usually have more

freedom over their schedules during the day. Other markets where

people have 9–5 jobs usually require nighttime webinars. So

WHEN you present the webinar will depend on your particular


4. I like presenting my live webinars on GoToWebinar.com. Some

of my friends use WebinarJam or other software. Each system has

pros and cons, so you have to figure out what’s best for you.

5. Typically, about 25% of the registrants show up on the webinar.

If fewer than 25% attend, focus more on the indoctrination

sequence, sending text message reminders before the webinar,

emails one hour before the webinar, and again 15 minutes before.

You’ve paid a lot of money to get them registered, and you’re

going to have to push hard to get them to show up.

6. When I transition from the content to the pitch, I check how

many people are still on the webinar, and I base my closing stats

on that number. So if I have 250 people who are still on the

webinar when I start the pitch at the 60-minute mark, and I know

that I typically close 15%, I’ll probably make about $37,500.

What will your close rate be? At first, it will probably be pretty low. That’s

why you need to do it live so many times. When you have a 5% close rate, you

have a good webinar and are likely going to be profitable on the front end. When

you get it to 10%, then (I believe) you have a million-dollar-a-year webinar.

When you get above 10%… Well, I’ll just say that at 15%, we did just shy of

$10 million the first year. So it pays to keep refining your conversion rates by

tweaking and presenting live presentations.



As soon as a webinar is over, we shift focus to the replay campaign. Some

people get REALLY intense with their replay campaigns, but the basics are

urgency and scarcity. That’s what gets people to take action. I usually DOUBLE

my sales between the time I end the webinar and when we close down the offer

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