Expert-Secrets full book

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If you’ve read DotComSecrets, you probably recognize the value ladder in

the picture above. You’ll notice that the first thing I offer people is this book,

because it is an opportunity switch. I am trying to switch the career paths that

you’ve been following up to this point (your current job, school, real estate,

stock markets, or other ways to generate wealth). My goal is to help you see this

new opportunity of becoming an expert and having a mass following who will

pay you for your advice, and if I do my job right, you will make that switch into

a career as an expert.

After you’ve decided to make that opportunity switch, then I will look for

the other new opportunities within this opportunity that I can offer that will help

to serve you at a higher level. You can see from the image that I will likely make

you offers for things like ClickFunnels, Funnel Scripts, Fill Your Funnel, or my

certification program. Each of these are new tools and opportunities within the

expert business that will help you more easily get the results you desire within

this new career.

I also want to point out that an offer can be positioned as BOTH an

opportunity switch and a stack. It all depends on where a prospect enters your

world. Some people never hear about this book, but they do find out about

ClickFunnels or my certification program. When that’s the case, that offer

becomes the opportunity switch.

For example, when we launched ClickFunnels, we positioned it to speak to

both types of prospects. For those who didn’t know about funnels, I’d say, “If

you’ve been struggling to sell your products online, you need to switch from

your traditional website to a funnel” and then we’d offer them ClickFunnels.

And for those who already had successful websites, I’d say, “You need to start

using funnels so you can make money from paid advertising as well.”

I did a similar thing when we launched our ClickFunnels certification

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