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We are Funnel Hackers, and these are our stories!

Do you see how powerful that is? The video isn’t long—only a minute and

10 seconds. But it clearly defines who we are and what our cause is all about.

People who resonate with that message are going to say, “HECK, yeah!” and

then join us. Those who don’t get it will just move on. It’s natural selection for

the true believers.

Those are the four core things we use to create our future-based cause.

Where can they place their hope and faith?

Help them break their 4-minute mile.

Let them self-identify.

Create a Title of Liberty.

It will cast a vision, create hope, and give people the faith they need to

move forward and make change. Now that you’ve got a charismatic leader and a

future-based cause, it’s time for the third piece of your vehicle for change—the

new opportunity.

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