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After the webinar, you’ll hear people saying, “I learned so much in that

webinar. I had this emotional change.” Again, you as the educator might feel like

you didn’t teach that much. But you did more than teach. You completely

transformed the way they view the world, which is what you need to do if you’re

expecting them to adopt your new opportunity.

25. The Transition to Selling

As I start to move from the content section to the stack and closes, I use a few

techniques to cement the new concepts into their minds and make a simple, nonstressful

transition to the selling section of the presentation.

The first thing is to show them how they could actually get the results they

desire most, if they actually follow what I showed them. So I’ll go back through

my 3 Secrets and say something like:

So let me ask you a question. If you followed what I showed you in

Secret #1 and found a funnel that is already working, then you did

what I showed you in Secret #2 and used ClickFunnels to build out a

similar funnel in just 10 minutes, and then you used Secret #3 to get

traffic from the SAME place your competitors are getting it from, do

you think you could be successful?

When you break it down like that so they can connect the dots, they have to

say yes. If they’ve said yes to that question, that means all the internal beliefs

have been knocked down, and the Big Domino has fallen.

When I’m speaking onstage and can actually see the audience, those who

are nodding their heads to that question are the ones who end up running to the

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