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Dan Kennedy once told me, “If you can’t be the #1 lowest price leader in

your market, there is no strategic advantage in being the #2 lowest price leader.”

In other words, if you can’t be the cheapest, then you need to become the most

expensive. And you can’t do that when you are fighting inside of this red ocean.

When you present a new opportunity, you are creating a blue ocean, and all price

resistance goes out the window.

But the BIGGEST reason people don’t want improvement offers is so

important that I wanted to write a separate section about it. The #1 reason people

don’t want improvement, and the reason they will or won’t join your cult-ure is




A few years ago, my friend Perry Belcher explained this concept to me. Once I

understood it, I immediately changed how I interacted with everyone. He told

me that status is the only thing that causes people to move toward you or not

move at all. That’s it. STATUS is the magic word in this business. When

someone is presented with an opportunity, their subconscious mind is working

on the answer to this question:

Is this thing I’m considering going to increase my status or decrease it?

Status as I’m defining it here has nothing to do with how other people

perceive you, but rather with how you perceive yourself.

Almost every choice in your life has revolved around status—whether you

know it or not. For example, what school did you go to? You (or your parents)

picked a school because you thought it would elevate your status. Who did you

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