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learn on the webinar.

The main concern people share with this sequence is “But what if they

register on Wednesday and they only get one or two of the indoctrination emails

before the webinar?”

Here’s the thing—the indoctrination sequence is NOT essential to the sale.

It’s an amplifier. If they only see one video and then they attend the webinar,

that’s okay. Videos 2 and 3 may come after the webinar, and that’s fine. Don’t

stress about it. Oftentimes one of the indoctrination emails is the thing that gets

them to watch a replay or to purchase after the webinar is over.


The reminders start on Wednesday. Just send quick emails and / or text messages

that say something like: “Hey, don’t forget we’re talking about __________

LIVE tomorrow at __________.” People don’t always read every email, so I like

to send one the day before we go live, one the morning of the webinar, one an

hour or so before we start, another about 15 minutes before, then a final one that

says, “We’re live—join us!”


I like to present my webinars on Thursdays. Others might prefer Tuesdays or

Wednesdays, but that matters less than following the pre-webinar indoctrination

series, the Perfect Webinar script, and the follow-up sequences. For the actual

webinar, here are a few things to keep in mind.

1. The webinar should be about 90 minutes long. The first 60

minutes, you focus on breaking and rebuilding their false belief

patterns. This is typically the hardest part for people to get right.

They try to teach, they try to share cool stuff, and they don’t

understand why they don’t get lots of sales. The core teaching is

identifying their false belief patterns. If you do this right, the

product will sell easily. If you do it wrong, you’ll struggle.

Review the Perfect Webinar section a dozen times until you

master the section on belief patterns.

2. The last 30 minutes is the pitch. You deliver that with the stack,

and add in the closes. When the 90 minutes is over, I usually

spend the remaining 15–30 minutes for Q & A, closing people

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