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Isn’t that exciting? When I first started to understand this concept, I realized

that stories are the keys to belief. If I can identify people’s false beliefs and tell

stories that show them the truth, I didn’t need to “sell” them anything. The

stories lead people to the right belief, and they sell themselves.

If you’ve ever heard me speak, you know I share a lot of stories. In fact,

during a recent presentation, one of my friends counted how many stories I told

within the first 60 minutes. I had guessed the number might be 10 or so, but the

total ended up being over 50—almost one per minute! Some longer stories may

take anywhere from 5–10 minutes, while others are often less than a minute.

But the key is I use a lot of stories when I am speaking. They break false

beliefs and rebuild the new beliefs people need to make a change. And that is

why it’s essential for you to start building up your inventory of stories. Here’s

how you do it.

Step #1 List all the false beliefs your customers might have related to your

new opportunity. If you struggle trying to figure them out, think about the false

beliefs YOU had before you got started on this path. It’s likely your audience

holds those same beliefs. I try to list at least 10, but normally my list will have

20 or more.

Step #2 What experiences might have caused those false beliefs? List an

experience for each false belief on your list.

Step #3 What stories are they telling themselves now because of those

experiences? It’s important to know their stories, because your new Epiphany

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