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the Potato Gun Story.

1. What is your backstory that gives us a vested interest in

your journey? I was a broke college student athlete trying to

make money online. I learned that people were making money

selling information products online, so I created a DVD teaching

people how to make potato guns and started to sell it. I was using

the extra money I made from our potato gun sales to keep

wrestling so I wouldn’t have to drop out of school.

2. What is it you want to accomplish? I wanted to be able to

support my wife so she wouldn’t have to work and we could

eventually start our family.

a. What is the external struggle you are dealing

with? The external struggle was that I was only making

a few dollars a day, and many days I actually lost

money, so I wasn’t able to make enough money to

support her, let alone a new baby.

b. What is the internal struggle you are dealing

with? The internal struggle was that my wife was

supporting me. I was supposed to be the man in the

relationship, but my wife was working two jobs while I

was going to school, wrestling, and living out my

dreams. I felt like a failure as a husband.

3. What was the wall or problem you hit within your current

opportunity that started this new journey? The problem was

that Google had changed their algorithms and increased their ad

costs. Suddenly my little potato gun website was no longer

making any money, so I had to turn it off, which literally killed

my only source of income.

4. What was the epiphany you experienced and new

opportunity you discovered? I met a friend who told me about

how he was adding upsells to his products. By doing that, he was

able to make more money from every customer who came in, and

therefore all his websites started working again in spite of

Google’s increased costs. I learned that normal websites weren’t

enough anymore to make money online, you needed an actual

sales funnel. So I found someone who was selling potato gun kits,

and I partnered with them and started selling them as an upsell.

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