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Finally, you’re just going to restate the secret as an undeniable truth. The old

belief pattern has been shattered, and you’ve installed a new one. And that’s the

most powerful thing you can do as an educator and an expert.

So now I’ve shown you how you can ethically steal over a million dollars’

worth of Funnel Hacks for under $100. Isn’t that awesome?

15.–24. Rinse and Repeat for Secrets #2 and #3

Once you’ve gone through these steps for the first secret, go back and repeat

steps 10 through 14 for the other two secrets. That’s going to be the majority of

your webinar content.

When you change your presentation to this style, you are giving them more

than just strategies and tactics. You’re giving them a paradigm shift. You’re

changing their world from I CAN’T to I CAN and I WILL. That’s the biggest

gift you can give people—hope and belief in themselves. When you go through

this process, you’ll spend 45 to 60 minutes breaking those underlying issues and,

all of a sudden, the huge domino falls down. They have a new belief in the One

Thing, and the whole world is open to them.

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