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So now I’ve told you how the whole system works. I’ve shown you

how you can __________. I’ve shown you that you only need

__________ to make this all work. But you know what? To be

successful with this, you’re going to need more than information


I know you can be successful with this system, but you’re going

to need coaching. You will have questions that need answering. And

you might need help in the accountability department, too. Let me tell

you, I take my job as a coach very seriously. I won’t let you quit on

yourself. We will get through everything together. I can’t do that with

just a few videos and some PDFs. Information alone won’t cut it.

My success rate when people go at this by themselves is almost

0%. But my success rate for those who work with me is closer to

__________%. If information were enough, then you could have just

turned to Google. You need a guide who has been there before, who

can take you there right now.

Money or Excuses: The goal of this close is to get them to quit making

excuses about why they can’t buy.

I’ve been in this business a long time. And I’ve found there are only

two kinds of people. Those who are good at (making money, losing

weight, etc.) and those who are good at making excuses. You can’t be

both. If you’re the one making excuses…I hate to say it, but I think

you’re going to have a really hard time __________.

The good news is that you get to choose. In this moment, you can

choose which type of person you’re going to be. Don’t be someone

who makes excuses, be someone who actually __________.

Your Two Choices: The goal of this close is for them to understand why

you are charging so much money, and to make sure they are okay with that.

When we were deciding how to price this, we had two choices. The

first was to go as cheap as possible and sell as many as we could. Now

the problem with that is we would have no real incentive to pile on the

value. It would cost us more for those bonuses than the whole course

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