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Then there’s… (Tell Case Study #2.)

And probably my favorite story is… (Tell Case Study #3.)

30. Who This Works For (All-Inclusive)

After you present the case studies, people often think: That’s great, but it won’t

work for me. They think: That person lives in Australia. Or That person is in a

different industry. They think their business or personal circumstances are

different from the case study details, so it won’t work for them. This is where

you make a blanket statement about all the different people it works for. Be as

inclusive as possible here.

So I want to go back and make sure you realize who this is for.

(Business example) It’s for people just starting out or those who

are already successful and want to scale.

(Weight loss example) It’s for people who have 100 pounds to

lose or those who only have five more to go. It even helps people who

don’t need to lose weight, but want to build healthy muscle.

31. Destroy the #1 Reason People Don’t Get Started

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