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Conclusion<br />

As we have seen, dental records, along with the entire stomatognathic system, can provide<br />

information for the identification of individuals. This method is useful when identification<br />

by other means is not possible, and in that event forensic dentistry becomes indispensable<br />

in respect of partial data obtained from disaster sites, or when bodies are found in skeletal<br />

condition and the only available information comes from DNA in the bones and from dental<br />

records.<br />

In recent years dental records have been given importance in matters of identification. Different<br />

organisations have started to work with forensic dentists, such as Interpol with its disaster<br />

victims identification unit, which uses dental comparison for identification purposes, and the<br />

NIST, with its interest in including dental records in the ANSI/NIST – ITL standard for the<br />

exchange of biometric data. However, it should be pointed out that the method only works<br />

if there are prior records with which to compare, which obliges us as dentists to keep clear<br />

complete records that comply with international standards and nomenclature.<br />

Given the importance of those records, the National Office of Information Technology is<br />

working with the NIST on the development of the appropriate standard.<br />

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