Latgalistikys kongresu materiali, III. 2011. - Latvijas Universitāte

Latgalistikys kongresu materiali, III. 2011. - Latvijas Universitāte

Latgalistikys kongresu materiali, III. 2011. - Latvijas Universitāte


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savus mūža beidzamos gadus. Vai daudz būs tādu mācītāju māju, kur līgo<br />

līdz ar ļaudīm latviskajos Jāņos?<br />

Impulsus un ierosinājumus savai darbībai latviešu tautas gara mantu<br />

krāšanas laukā mācītājs Celmiņš (..) jau mantojis ģimnāzista laikos, ko norādīja<br />

jau pieminētie viņa tautas dziesmu krājumi. Vēlāk šos centienus atbalstījuši<br />

latviešu studentu pulcēšanās <strong>Latvijas</strong> korporācijās.<br />

Nepretendēdams uz šī sava raksta beidzamā vārda teicēja autora tiesībām<br />

par Celmiņu Mārtiņa nopelniem latviešu tautas dziesmu krāšanā, ceru<br />

tomēr, ka būšu pievērsis literatūras vēsturnieku vērību uz to lielo darbu, ko<br />

veicis nelaiķis savā garajā un ražena darba un arī darba svētības pilnajā<br />

dzīvē.<br />

Arvīds Aizsils’ Collection of Latgalian Folklore<br />

Arvīds Aizsils (1904/1905–1940) was one of the most significant collectors of<br />

folklore of the first half of the twentieth century. He worked as a teacher at several<br />

schools in Latgale. The final years of his teaching career Aizsils spent in the Daugavpils<br />

Teacher Training College where he was a teacher of Latvian. As a teacher he<br />

was particularly interested in issues relating to Latvian language culture and he paid<br />

great attention to the handwriting of his pupils and their proficiency in the standard<br />

written language.<br />

As a researcher, Aizsils was characterized by his scrupulous and enthusiastic<br />

compilation of folklore and his deep respect for Latvian folk traditions. A significant<br />

part of Aizsils’ unpublished materials is accessible for researchers in the Latvian<br />

Folklore Archives (LFK 935, 1–38608). Collection 935 is one of the most extensive<br />

in the whole archives. It consists of two parts: Aizsils’ first collection from the<br />

Lubāna State Gymnasium (1–1962) and his second collection from the Daugavpils<br />

Teacher Training College (11963–8608). His research interests focused on Latvian<br />

wedding traditions, based on research in the regions os Lubāna and Daugavpils. Another<br />

focus of his research were Latvian folk beliefs, particularly materials of Latvian<br />

folk dreams. Aizsils’ major publications are Latviešu tautas sapņu iztulkošana (1939)<br />

(The interpretation of Latvian folk dreams) and Senās kāzas Daugavpils apriņķī<br />

(1941) (Ancient wedding rituals in the region of Daugavpils), Pasaku un teiku izlase I<br />

(1926) (Selected fairy-tales and legends I, a compilation for schools) and the manuscript<br />

of his short essay on Mārtiņš Celmiņš, a famous priest and collector of folklore<br />

in Lubāna. Aizsils’ contribution on the whole has not lost its significance up to the<br />

present day. His compilations remain important sources for the investigation of both<br />

wedding traditions and folk beliefs, and they are very often are even the only documents<br />

available.<br />

This paper presents Aizsils’ unpublished essay on Mārtiņš Celmiņš (1863–<br />

1936), the first and up to the present only major study of Celmiņš’ activities in collecting<br />

folklore. In the first part of his article, Aizsils provides biographical information<br />

on Celmiņš, emphasizing the beginning of his activities, his stable interests<br />


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