Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Hero Advancement

The heroes of Sentinel Comics don’t stay static. As

they go through different experiences, they learn

new things, they change their tactics, they gain new

allies, and the nature of their powers might even

develop into something new altogether.

As we discuss on pages 8-9, a single session of

the RPG translates roughly into the story of one

issue of a comic book, so we call it an issue. Six

issues become a collection. Between collections,

you might want to change up how your hero works

based on what happened in the storyline.

Collecting Six Issues Into a


As soon as your hero has six issues on their hero

sheet, it’s time to turn them into a collection. Erase

all the issues from your sheet to start anew for

the next session. Then, the group should work

together decide what the collection from that

issues is called. Sometimes this will just be the

name of your super team, such as: “Sentinels of

Freedom, Volume 1.” This might also be a clever

book name: “The Lost and The Found.” Or it

might specifically relate to the storyline you played

through: “Hail… the Final Duchess!” As long as it’s

something that will remind you all of the different

adventures you’ve been through together, it’s a

good title. Write that title under Collections. You

now have access to that collection to call back on

in future adventures (see page 32 for details on

how to use collections).

Changing Your Hero

Between Collections

The collection is designed to be the end of one

storyline, and may include character developments

for the heroes involved. Your power suit may be

irrevocably broken, your shapeshifting abilities may

have been permanently altered by a mystic artifact,

or you’ve been swapped with an entirely different

version of yourself from another reality. Between

collections — or whenever is necessary for the

story depending on what happens — you may

make some changes to your hero.

Depending on the scope of the changes, the

following are options:

• Make cosmetic changes

• Change details of the hero

• Majorly rewrite the hero

Starting Collections

The heroes in the Archives of this book all start

with a collection, containing their first appearance

in the pages of Sentinel Comics. This isn’t a part

of standard hero creation though, as your hero

might not necessarily have previous appearances.

However, if the GM wants to start the story further

into your comic book career, each player can start

with a collection. This can be one that all the heroes

were a part of if they shared an origin story, or

different collections if each hero had their own

“solo title” first, or some mixture.

Make Cosmetic Changes

The hero may not have been affected much by the

events of the story they just experienced, but that

doesn’t mean they can’t make minor changes like

a different hairstyle, codename, or costume. These

changes don’t require any special permission from

the GM and can be done freely between collections.

Even still, it’s worth coming up with story reasons

for these changes. What inspired your hero the

change their hair color? Is there a notable influence

that make them ditch the cape from their costume

at this point?

Change Details

Some storylines result in the hero changing their

personality, outlook, powers, or training focus. These

major character changes require altering their hero

sheet in bigger ways, digging into the details from

the hero creation steps.


Hero Advancement

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