Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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On Balance

If you browse the options on the tables used to

create heroes, you can see that some options get

better dice than others, which means that some

heroes end up with more dice or larger die sizes

than others. This is doubly true if you use the

constructed method and can just choose which

options you want to maximize your dice.

A hero with fewer/smaller dice should feel distinct

and powerful with plenty to contribute to a team,

even when compared to a hero with “better” dice.

Each hero has their own powers and qualities, as

well as unique abilities that give them a role in the

team. Your abilities and how you use them matter far

more than the specific sizes of dice of your powers

and qualities. Within the Sentinels of Freedom,

superpowered heroes like Legacy fight alongside

non-superpowered heroes like Wraith and both are

valuable and powerful members of the team.

The Secret Third Option

Of course, you can make a hero without using either

of these two methods. If you’re trying to replicate an

existing hero and have already made heroes using

one of the other methods, you might just assign

powers, qualities, abilities, etc. as you see fit from

any entries. Even if you have your GM’s permission

to use this method to make your hero, the GM

still has to sign off on your hero build when you’re

done. No one wants to play with Superamazing

Man, with in each power and quality, where

every ability can do anything with Min+Mid+Max.

He’s strong… and completely boring.

What Goes Into

a Hero?

SCRPG heroes have the following elements, each

of which will be assigned through hero creation:

• Powers rated from (above average) to


• Qualities rated from (solid competency)

to (world class)

• Status rated from (wavering) to

(ready to give anything)

• Abilities in Green, Yellow, and Red varieties

• One Out ability

• Two principles

• Maximum Health value

You come up with one quality specific to your

hero in addition to choosing from lists. Other

characteristics, like your hero’s heroic moniker,

their mundane alias (if any), and their appearance

are all yours to define once the process is finished.

Making Existing Heroes

Chapter 7 contains heroes from two super teams,

but you may want to make your favorite hero that

doesn’t appear in this book, either from elsewhere

in Sentinel Comics lore or from another universe

entirely! Hero sheets for more Sentinel Comics

heroes can be found in later books, reflecting

where they are in the storyline, but you can use

this same process to make versions of any hero

you want. All heroes in this book are made using

this process, so don’t worry about being outclassed

by existing heroes.

Rolling Dice to Choose from


In each step, you roll some combination of dice that

help you choose from the tables provided. When you

roll dice for these steps, you may take the result of any

single die or combination of any two dice to make your

selection. So, your options are the dice values rolled

or the sums of any two of the dice that you rolled.

If Sarah rolls showing 3, showing 5, and

showing 7, she can select from table entries 3, 5, or 7

from the single dice she rolled, or 8, 10, or 12 by using

the sums of any two values she rolled.

What Goes Into a Hero?




the Game


H eroes


the Game









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