Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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10 Brainwashing Zone

Health: +10

The villain exploits a way to alter the heroes’ consciousness for nefarious means.


Brainwashing Zone

Villainous Mastery

If your villain has any upgrades, also give them a mastery. These work similarly to heroic principles to define

the villain and give them a more impressive Overcome option.


Master of Annihilation

Master Behind the Curtain

Master of Conquest

Master of Enforced Order

Master of Mad Science

Master Mercenary

Master of Mysticism

Master of Profitability

Master of Superiority

Master of Total Chaos

Master of the Unfathomable













While the scene is in the Green zone, all heroes’ quality dice

at or above are reduced one size. In the Yellow zone, all

heroes’ quality dice at or above are reduced two die

sizes. In the Red zone, all heroes’ quality dice are treated

as if they are .

Heroes may remove this ability with three Overcome

successes. If a hero takes a minor twist, the hero must lose

access to a quality entirely until this ability is removed.

If a hero is knocked out while this ability is active, you may

create a new minion using the hero’s highest power die to

represent the controlled version of that hero.

If you can cause massive collateral damage without regard for

casualties, automatically succeed at an Overcome where a show

of overwhelming force can solve the problem.

As long as you are not directly involved in the fray and are using

your influence indirectly, automatically succeed at an Overcome

to manipulate a situation.

As long as you are in command of your own forces, automatically

succeed at an Overcome involving seizing an area or capturing civilians.

If you have complete control over your immediate surroundings,

automatically succeed in an Overcome to organize rabble to

accomplish a task.

As long as you have access to materials, you can automatically

succeed when Overcoming a challenge by using scientific

principles and inventions.

If you have been given a contract to perform a specific task,

automatically succeed at an Overcome in a situation where the

difference is getting paid and not getting paid.

If you have access to proper materials, automatically succeed at

an Overcome in a situation involving harnessing magical forces.

If you have access to great wealth and other resources,

automatically succeed at an Overcome to leverage those

resources to get even richer, no matter who else pays the price.

As long as you are manifesting effects related to a power you

have at , automatically succeed at an Overcome involving

usage of those powers.

If you are in a situation where everything is spiraling out of

control, automatically succeed in an Overcome to accomplish a

task by throwing out the rules.

If you are in a situation involving eldritch and disturbing forces,

automatically succeed at an Overcome to do the bidding of a

being beyond human concerns.


Creating Villains

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