Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Time Slinger

Alias: Jim Brooks

Gender: Male

Age: Middle-Aged

Height: 5’11”

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Brown

Skin: Tan

Build: Rugged

Costume/Equipment: Cowboy hat, worn

jeans, brown leather boots. Blue collared shirt

emblazoned with golden clock arms. Golden left

arm. Golden time-gun. Glowing blue eyepiece over

his left eye. Has a robot horse named Masadah.

Background: Anachronistic

Power Source: Tech Upgrades

Archetype: Reality Shaper

Personality: Lone Wolf


Jim Brooks was fed up with the Hayes boys. Their

latest transgression — dynamiting his recently

painted fences — was just the latest in a long line

of indiscretions and indignities visited upon him and

the rest of the good people of Silver Gulch. The

layabout sheriff wouldn’t so much as lift a finger, but

Jim was tired of waiting around. He strapped on his

trusty six-gun and deputized himself, riding out to

chase those Hayes brothers down. Rounding them

up got him elected as the new sheriff shortly after

that. He brought peace and relative order to the

small mining town, until one day while investigating

complaints of strange noises, he fell through a hole

in time itself. Instantly, he was thrown to a strange

place where a massive rat walking on its hind legs

knocked off his hat and bit off his arm! Jim drew his

pistol and plugged the varmint, and then promptly

passed out on top of its corpse. Some time later, he

woke again on a metal table, a soothing voice that

called itself CON talking to him about how he was

in the distant future, in a wasteland populated by

monsters. CON gave him a new arm, a shiny badge,

and a new name: Chrono-Ranger! He bounced all

around time hunting monsters, until one day CON

gave him a bounty to murder a masked man in cold

blood. He refused, and when the energy keeping

him fixed in that time period ran out, he was stuck

outside of time, stranded in grey emptiness until he

was rescued by a passing sailing vessel.

La Comodora, as the grey haired captain of the

ship identified herself, needed him to round up

all of the other versions of her that were causing

trouble with time and reality. No killing, just putting

them in irons and pulling off their power to travel

in time so that they would stop poking holes in

reality for fun. She upgraded his tech, linking the

time-travel capabilities of his badge to the function

of her time-traveling pirate ship so that he could

pursue his quarry through different times. This

seemed as good a job as any, right up until he

ended up stranded in Pompeii right before the

eruption of the volcano. He was a mite worried

as the lava approached, but was once again saved

at the last moment, this time by a man right out

of Greek mythology, but with golden metal legs.

He introduced himself as The Chronoist, and told

Jim that the greatest monster of all time was trying

to destroy literally everywhere and everywhen,

and everyone had to work together to save the

multiverse. Jim stepped through the portal into the

fight of his life against OblivAeon!

He fought valiantly, taking down minions and



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