Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Scene 2

The Center for

Advanced Genomic


The Situation

One way or another, the heroes have determined

that the only laboratory that could have created

the clones they faced in Megalopolis and that have

been turning up all around the world is the Center

for Advanced Genomic Research on the island of

Tarama in the western Pacific.

The island is actually an atoll with a vaguely

hexagonal ring of coral surrounding a placid lagoon

about a mile wide. One side of the ring is occupied

by an airstrip and a relatively small hangar, though

no aircraft or vehicles can be seen in or around the

hangar. From this side of the atoll winds a rough

road leading to the laboratory complex, which is

constructed on the widest section of land.

Near the lab is a large landing pad suitable for

helicopters or vertical-landing fixed-wing aircraft,

though it is currently empty of any such vehicles.

In fact, outside the laboratory, the entire island is

currently abandoned. Inside the laboratory? Well,

that's for the heroes to find out...

The laboratory itself is a stout, six-story building

sunk directly into the ground like a subterranean

skyscraper. The original builders needed to be able

to easily seal the facility off from the atmosphere in

the potential event of the release of a hazardous

genetically engineered biomorph, and burying the

installation on a remote island seemed the surest

way to do that.

Biomancer took over the lab and used it for his

own bioengineering of the clones now scattered

throughout the world — this was not the best

outcome for the work already in process at the

Center for Advanced Genomic Research, and the

resulting changes to the preexisting experiments

here present the main danger to the heroes.

Running the Scene

The goal of the scene is to investigate the lab and

discover information related to the clones, including:

• Who made the clones?

• Where is that person or people now?

• What clones were made? How many?

• What are these clones' capabilities?

• Where are the remaining clones?

• Where are the originals?

• What happened to all the scientists working at the lab?

• Why? What’s the motive for these actions?

To discover this information, the heroes must

delve deeply to the core of the laboratory and

examine the evidence they find there.

The bulk of this scene features the heroes

attempting to reach the final level of the laboratory

at the Center for Advanced Genomic Research on

the island of Tarama.


Scene 2

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