Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Alias: Thiago Diaz

Gender: Male

Age: Mid-teens (at death)

Height: 5’ (usually)

Eyes: none

Hair: none

Skin: none

Build: A Ghost, or a pile of electronics

Costume/Equipment: Muerto has no physical

form of his own, as he is a ghost. However, when

he haunts any electronics, they glow with his

calavera designs. His most commonly used form

is cobbled together from bits of tech from the

destroyed Freedom Tower

Background: Adventurer

Power Source: Supernatural

Archetype: Divided: Form-Changer

Personality: Jaded


Thiago Diaz wanted to be a hero. He was a good

kid and made sure to always be on the lookout

for danger. If he saw wrongdoing, he would call the

cops, because he wanted to be like his personal

hero, Legacy. Somehow, despite living in Rook City

with this mindset, he survived to be a teenager. His

daydreaming about being a hero distracted him

from his studies, so his parents made him a deal: if

he could get all A’s in his first year of high school, he

could visit Freedom Tower. Galvanized by this goal,

he got his A’s and went on the field trip. Then, while

he was on the museum tour, OblivAeon appeared

above the tower and obliterated it, killing him and

everyone else inside instantly. It was a devastating

tragedy, but not the only tragedy to come out of

the OblivAeon event. Still, this was not to be the

end of Thiago’s story. Somehow, the cosmic energy

interacted with the unique relics and tech in the

museum to preserve his consciousness in the

destroyed electronics. When bits of the wreckage

were transported to Freedom Plaza for study, chunks

of Wraith’s gadgets, Tachyon’s tech, and Bunker suit

pieces formed together into something resembling

a body. The remnants of Thiago’s consciousness had

no hope and felt like he had nowhere to go, so he

latched onto the one thing that he’d always wanted.

He would be a hero.

Capabilities and Motivations

Muerto can possess and animate any electronic

device that he “haunts”. His most commonly used

form is an amalgamation of tech from the remnants

of Freedom Tower, but he can leave it to occupy

smaller electronic devices, or even to temporarily

animate huge machines or pull a group of parts

together to create a massive body. The capabilities

of the body his ghost occupies is largely dependent

on the type of device. For instance, causing a robot

arm to pick up an object would be a lot easier than

trying to make a toaster do the same thing.

Personal Life

Being part of Daybreak fulfills that part of himself

that wanted to be a hero more than anything, but

Muerto doesn’t talk about who he used to be.

He doesn’t even really think of himself as Thiago

anymore; Thiago died. One day, he might be able

to think of himself as a person again, perhaps with

the help of his new allies. Aeon Girl doesn’t see

anything weird about him and treats him like any

other friend, which he needs. Her search for identity

might help him as well. Absolute Zero, as well, is in

a unique position to talk to him about finding his

personhood in the middle of tragedy. For Muerto,

any recovery is going to be a long and difficult road.





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the Game





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