Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Recovering the Past

While the world was recovering from the OblivAeon

Event, the man known as Proletariat wandered

Russia, trying to chart a new path for himself. Years

of fighting for the ideals of a nation that no longer

existed left the super-soldier with no place in this

world. He searched old Soviet buildings, hoping to

find motivation in the investigation of the culture

that had created him. His travels brought him to

an abandoned facility built to research the same

crystal that had created him, but radiation there

caused him to duplicate rapidly and uncontrollably,

his mind reducing with each duplication. The crystal

was apparently still here, and its radiation had

restarted the reactor, building towards a meltdown!

Worse still, the hero Fanatic was drawn to the

disturbance. Still in mourning over the loss of her

fellow hero Ra, she let loose her rage upon the

hordes of Proletariats, inadvertently creating more

twisted clones with each swing of her dark sword. It

was only through the intervention of the Freedom

Five that Alexandr was reformed and disaster was

averted. Despondent and further embittered, he

continued his search.

After months of fruitlessly searching, Alexandr

found a secret door to a heavily reinforced bunker

in a decommissioned missile silo. Inside, was a single

steel cylinder, slightly smaller than a coffin. Opening

the cylinder, he found himself face to face with

Joseph Stalin, or at least some of the face. One

eye was missing and a visible half of the brain was

machinery, suspended in a glowing blue liquid. As

Alexandr’s breath caught in his throat, machinery

whirred to life, covering the exposed brain with a

metal plate, and replaced the missing eye with a

red lens. After a brief whir of activity, the single eye

opened and the red lens lit from within. Recessed

panels in the wall opened and robotic assembler

arms swiftly built a mismatched body. When it was

complete, the liquid in the tank drained and the

head began to speak. It addressed Alexandr by

name and spoke of authorizing the project that

had created him. The manipulators raised the head

high and placed it on the new body. The voice of

Stalin spoke of Soviet scientists who failed to save

his body but kept his mind alive. He spoke of the

order from the Kremlin that had forced him into

hibernation as his successor shut down the project,

but how he erased the existence of his bunker

from the records before they could destroy him.

It claimed to remember being Joseph Stalin. Now,

he would be known as Mecha-Stalin, and he would

not rest until the Soviet Union was restored. He

offered Proletariat a role in the restoration. He

gave him purpose.


Together, Proletariat and Mecha-Stalin collected

allies. Mecha-Stalin had unlimited access to

archived Soviet secrets and retrieved sleeper

agent activation codes, which he began to transmit

around the world. Only one agent responded:

Pavel Vladislavovich Koslovski, the last survivor of

the elite covert team that had gone to ground with

the order to keep ready until called. Though old,

he was dedicated and gave his sniping skills to the

cause. Mecha-Stalin also drew in a new firebrand

of an ally: Barrikada Dmitriyevna Petrov, daughter

of the infamous Iron Curtain. Mecha-Stalin gave

the angry young woman a cause to live for, and

more importantly, to fight for. He knew just how

to appeal to her desire for a challenge. Now

together, these powerful allies formed the core of

Perestroika, a team dedicated to bringing back a

new Soviet Union.

Cold War

Perestroika began their first plot in the United

States city of Megalopolis. The reconstruction after

OblivAeon had left many people dispossessed,

and Mecha-Stalin recruited those who felt that

they had been abandoned. Knowing that he would

need more than a mob, Mecha-Stalin used every

resource at his command and steadily accrued

followers and technology in a hidden base beneath

the city, waiting for the right time to strike.

After weeks of inciting crime waves to destabilize

the city, laying the groundwork for Perestroika to

emerge as a stabilizing savior, Mecha-Stalin’s plans

were cut short by the Sentinels of Freedom. Rushed

into conflict, he made a desperate push to establish

a power base, but the forces at his disposal were

not up to the task of stopping the heroes. In the

end, Mecha-Stalin put his ramshackle body on the

line alongside Perestroika as the heroes stormed his

base. When he was defeated, he chose to destroy

himself and the base rather than surrender.

New Soviet Era

Months later, Mecha-Stalin reappeared in Russia

with an upgraded body, access to incredibly

advanced technology, and a new base established

in Siberia. After freeing and recovering the other

members of Perestroika, they began to launch raids

around Russia to begin their great mission once

more. With seemingly unlimited access to funding

and equipment, Perestroika is now positioned as

one of the biggest threats in the world!





the Game




the Game





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