Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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For example, a geyser spewing boiling-hot water

in a national park could hit anyone at random

for damage, while tear gas canisters fired from

automated launchers in the mountain lair of an

archvillain could hinder a certain number of heroes,

assuming all minions and villains wear gas masks.

Once you’ve established your environment’s three

traits and you have a good idea of its catastrophic

story as the scene tracker progresses, you’re ready to

create those twists based on the following guidelines.

You’ll also find a table at the end of this section with

a suggested breakdown of specific game effect and

relative strength you can attribute to each twist

based on their severity and GYRO.

Environment Basic Actions

The twists you create can “take” any of the basic

actions on one or more targets. This gives you the

flexibility to create a great number of effects.

A lot of things that make the heroes’ (and possibly

villains’) jobs harder can be emulated with Hinder

rolls. In a similar way, anything that can help short

of dealing damage can be covered by a Boost. The

bonuses or penalties created by these twists can be

either temporary or persistent and exclusive.

Jennifer creates an environment called Megalopolisin-Crisis,

where she expects the heroes could get

caught in a anti-vigilante protest rally. She decides

that a Green minor twist will create a persistent and

exclusive penalty targeting heroes with the Min die as

the protesters get in the way and the villains use them

as human shields. Additionally, she adds a challenge

called Unruly Protesters to the scene that the heroes

can complete to remove that danger entirely, but the

underlying sentiment in the populace will need to be

dealt with eventually.

Use the Attack action for any passive event that

can hurt anyone in the scene: automated defenses,

micro-meteors, or collapsing buildings (perfect

when combined with a Hinder roll from a different

trait die) are good examples of that.

In a lost temple environment, a major Yellow twist

could be:



Mystic Field of Pacifism: Roll The Lost Temple’s dice

and Defend anyone who hasn’t Attacked in the last

turn using the Max die, then Hinder everyone else

with the Min die.

Overcome a Challenge

This action is a bit unusual for a passive twist, but in

some cases something from the environment could

resolve one of the scenes’ challenges. For instance,

in a Smalltown, Germany environment you could

have a Red minor twist like this:



First Responders Arrive: Roll Smalltown,

Germany’s dice. Use the Max die to Overcome

one of the remaining obstacles involving civilians in

danger. Use the Mid die to Boost one hero and the

Min die to Hinder all others. They’re very helpful,

but in the way.

Add Threats

Some of the scenes you create can have threats

you already planned. These usually take the form

of minions or lieutenants that you set aside to join

the battle, whether as servants of a villain, as helpful

allies for the heroes, or as some form of neutral

threat hostile to everyone

in the scene, like raptors!

Remember that any

minion-like threats

you add to a

scene wait to

act on the

next turn.

The Defend action is used whenever you want to

provide a situation where one or more characters

in the scene would become temporarily protected

from damage.


Creating Environments

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