Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Soon after she started taking classes, she saw a

commotion in the streets: demonic bugs attacking

some people in costumes! She joined the fray and

met the people that would become her best friends

and teammates. Her friends and the teachers at the

Freedom Academy tend to serve as her primary

guides to what constitutes being a person, so she’s

always trying new things. There are undoubtedly

challenges, but mostly, Aeon Girl is trying to be a

good person, figure out who she is, and find her

place in the world.

Capabilities and Motivations

Aeon Girl is made up of a nigh-limitless supply

of cosmic power, allowing her to change her size,

shape, and density. She can also fly through the air

and space, unleash blasts of withering power, and

even fold space to teleport herself short distances.

Her ties to Lifeline’s blood magic also gives her

potential access to more esoteric forms of energy,

but she is a long way from being able to harness

such magicks safely. All of her current abilities are

just scraping the surface of her capabilities, but she’s

not eager to delve into what she might have access

to before she has more mastery of what she can

do now. Being a unique creation of blood magic and

OblivAeon energy means that she’ll be discovering

things for herself for some time to come.

Personal Life

Aeon Girl is-- well, she doesn’t really know. Being

abandoned by Lifeline to learn how to be a good

person has left her with some unresolved issues,

to say the least. She’s not entirely clear on a lot

of things, including what actually makes someone

“good” or even why being good is the right goal.

She’s truly innocent, with only a few months of

memories, so she is trying to learn how to behave

by copying the people around her. At a basic level,

this mirroring behavior helps her navigate daily

interactions (eating, sleeping, blinking: things that

make her fit in), but she is finding that it doesn’t

always work now that she is trying to expand

into the social arena. The members of Daybreak

are giving her a crash course in being a teenager,

though lessons learned by watching one member

don’t always carry over to other social situations.

Rockstar destroying a guitar at the end of her set

on stage is fine… but Windy destroying a guitar in

a shop is wrong for some reason?

Every day is a fresh chance to discover the

world around her, and she finds everything very

interesting. Despite the social stumbles, she

absolutely loves going out with her friends. She

loves having friends! She doesn’t get everything

that she is exposed to, especially when there are

layers of social interactions happening all at once.

Going to the movies, for instance, poses all sorts

of challenges. She has to have special drinks and

food (she can’t bring her own, but sometimes

she IS supposed to bring her own when they are

“sneaking it in”). Then she needs to watch the

movie silently (but not always, because sometimes

she is supposed to laugh, or cheer, or be scared,

but only during the correct times), and there are

different types of movies with different social cues.

After the movie, she is supposed to talk about it

with the people she saw it with (but only with

them; for some reason, people who haven’t seen it

and are waiting in line get upset with her when she

talks about it). Depending on the group, she might

then be supposed to eat different food from the

movie food (but not the wrong food, depending on

the time of day, except in a diner where “breakfast”

is always acceptable) and talk about other things

(and the list of appropriate things differs between

social groups). It’s all endlessly fascinating! Aeon Girl

is so excited to be a person.





the Game




the Game





A rchives



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