Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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When Megan heard about the Sentinels of Freedom

teaching students, she realized that being a hero

AND a rock star was her destiny. Also, “Rockstar”

was a good name. It was time to come clean to her

parents. They deserved to know that their daughter

was destined to rise to the heights of greatness.

She spent the afternoon talking to herself in her

mirror, practicing exactly how she was going to

tell them. She went downstairs, looking forward

to seeing their shocked faces. Bracing herself for

their reactions, she rapidly explained that she had

powers and wanted to go to the newly established

academy. They just nodded and started talking

about tuition… turns out, her little sister had spied

on her and snitched.

Capabilities and Motivations

Rockstar’s body is incredibly strong and durable,

thanks to the rocky covering that she generates

when subjected to physical stresses. When she is

about to be struck, or when she picks up something

heavy, rocks materialize to shield and reinforce

vital weak points and joints in a flexible crystalline

coating that both protects her and enhances her

strength. She has some control over this, allowing

her to shape and form the stone to a degree… but

she tends to just cover her fists with pointy bits and

hit things. For Rockstar, the simplest solution tends

to be the one that she goes with, especially if it puts

her front and center where she belongs. After all,

what is the point of being a hero if no one sees you

looking cool?

Personal Life

Rockstar’s philosophy for fighting and for music

is that her natural talent is enough. Practicing is

boring. She doesn’t need to learn more about

her powers — punching things really hard in their

faces works just fine! Oddly, despite a disdain for

practicing her powers or music, she devotes hours

to presentation. When her big break inevitably

comes, she will have her look, sound, and act down.

Finding the perfect clothing and glitter makeup for

the stage and practicing her victory poses in the

mirror is the difference between a flash in the pan

and the world’s next big thing. She’ll work for hours

on something to get it just right… then deny that

she ever needs to work at anything!

This attitude makes her one of the most

contentious members of Daybreak. Her constant

need for the limelight makes her likely to put

everyone at risk by rushing in to get the glory

of knocking the villain out, even if it leaves her

teammates in danger. Her impatience is also a

detriment in longer fights, since she looks for risky

shortcuts to victory. When cameras get involved, or

the news choppers show up, she’ll try to pose for

the perfect news clip or even give an interview in

the middle of the fight! The members of Daybreak

like her a lot — she genuinely is a lot of fun to be

around — but her drive to be in the spotlight can

really be a problem.

The flip side of the coin, and the reason why she

is a good friend and teammate, is that she is fiercely

loyal. She knows she can’t be the best if the people

around her aren’t also working at their peak. For

someone who doesn’t like to practice all that

much, she’s a startlingly good motivator, and has

good awareness of problem areas in other people.

However, she needs to work on her ability to point

out those flaws in the right way and the right time

and place. She also likes having friends around, so

she is the one who suggests social activities for

the team, pokes the more reluctant members into

coming along, and works hard to make sure that

everyone else is having a good time. Only time will

tell if anyone, including herself, can live up to her

high expectations.





the Game




the Game





A rchives



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