Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Index & Glossary

Abilities................................... 12, 15, 19, 22, 44-45, 154

Tricks, tactics, or talents used in scenes by heroes

and villains. For heroes, abilities fall into Green,

Yellow, Red, or Out zones. Villains have access to

all their abilities, regardless of zone. Abilities modify

and combine basic actions in many ways to change

how dice are applied and produce unique effects.

Action..................................................12, 17, 18-23, 24-29

A thing a character does on their turn. An ability

that takes an action to perform uses all of that turn.

Action Order..........................................17-23, 164-165

The elective initiative system used in SCRPG. Also,

a term for the order in which everyone acts in a

scene, which is determined one turn at a time over

the course of a round until everyone has acted.

Action Scenes................................9, 15, 159, 161, 184

Combat or action oriented scenes, for brawls,

chases, and daring rescues.

Adventure Issue........ 146, 252, 253-266, 267-289

Published SCRPG playable issues, such as the two

in this book in Chapter 6.

Alternate Rewards........................................... 248-249

Optional rewards to replace the standard hero

point bonuses that a GM can choose to offer.

Archetype...............................................................46, 72-99

A characteristic used during hero creation. How

you use your powers and your role in a team of

other heroes. A hero’s archetype determines some

of their powers and qualities, some of their abilities,

and their second principle.

Attack.................................................................................19, 24

An action used to deal damage.

Auxiliary Sheet...............................................12, 45, 443

A sheet secondary to the hero sheet, for holding

additional information in the case of heroes with

more complicated builds.

Back Issues.................................................................10, 142

Whenever players finish an issue of play, they give

the issue a name and number and add it to the Back

Issues section of their hero sheet.

Background...........................................................46, 49-54

A characteristic used during hero creation. Where

your hero came from before they became a hero.

A hero’s background determines some of their

qualities and their first principle.

Basic Actions.....................................................19, 29, 154

The six fundamental types of actions that characters

in this game take. See Attack, Overcome, Boost,

Hinder, Defend, and the special Recover action.

Basic actions can be modified by and used as part

of abilities.


A positive mod representing favorable circumstances

that increases the value of an effect die. If not

persistent, it goes away after one usage.

Boost...........................................................................19, 26-27

An action used to help yourself or another character,

resulting in a bonus.


NPCs that are not specifically foes to the heroes,

nor notable allies. The people in the background or

on the sidelines. Frequently the people in danger

from the villains in the scene.

Challenges....................................25, 160-164, 189-199

Obstacles, dangers to NPCs, or complications that

must be dealt with in the timeframe of the ongoing

scene, most commonly with Overcome actions. There

are six types of challenges: Simple (page 161), Linear

(page 162), Multiple Solutions (page 162), Branching

Outcomes (page 163), Timed (page 164), and

Doomsday Devices (page 164).

Collection..................................................10, 32, 142, 249

When a hero player has 6 Back Issues on their hero

sheet, they get erased from the Back Issue section,

gathered into a Collection, and recorded on their

hero sheet. Collections can be called upon once each

issue to maximize a die, negate a twist, or add to the

story in a scene.

Constructed Method...................................................42

Another method of hero creation, following the

process of the Guided Method, but ignoring the

dice rolling in favor of choosing whatever you want

for your hero in each category.

Damage.............................................................................19, 24

Damage is dealt as the result of an Attack action.

Damage either reduces health, or is rolled against

with a damage save, depending on the type of target

being dealt damage.

Damage Save.......................................................................17

When something represented by a single die, like a

minion or a lieutenant, is attacked, it rolls its die as

a save against that damage. The results of the save

vary by what type of character it is.


Index & Glossary

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