Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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The Environment

If your action scene has an environment, write its

name down on the Scene Tracker card (the two

share a turn). If it has major twists attached to it,

create checkboxes for each of them since they

can only be used once per scene. Check them

whenever you make use of them.

Minions & Lieutenants

For each group of minions or lieutenants that start

or is added to the scene, label one card with its

name (like “Hungry Velociraptor!”). If the minion has

any special abilities (bonus to Attack, for example),

write that on the card too to remind yourself of its

mechanical stats and abilities.

A useful visual trick is to put a die of the

appropriate type on each card. When it degrades,

replace the die. That way, everyone knows what’s

in play and how strong each minion or lieutenant

is. If you have multiple enemies of the same type

or if more are added to the scene during play, use

only one card but place multiple dice, one die per


Alternatively, you can keep track of the state of

each minion and lieutenant directly on the card by

jotting down how many of each die type are left

in each group, including any mods applied to them.


While you’ll have a full set of stats for each villain

in a scene, consider naming a card after each one

to track when they have acted. It will also come in

useful to track any mods affecting them directly.

Do the same for any villain upgrades that heroes

can target or overcome. Put its name on a card

and, depending on the type of upgrade, write down

any Overcome action check marks or amount of

damage needed to put it out of play.


Write a name or short description of each challenge

on individual cards. Indicate the conditions needed

to resolve it. Put a checkbox for each successful

Overcome action required. Note any special

conditions needed to resolve the challenge. For

instance, if a challenge requires another challenge

to be resolved first, mark it down so the players



If your scene has more than one location, create

a card for each. Place these cards in relative

position to each other as it helps many players

visualize the situation. If no specific locations are

required, assume the whole table represents the

scene. If another location comes up during play, like

Collapsed Stadium, create a new card for it and add

it to play. This way, you can track what things are

going on in which locations in a scene, and what

heroes/villains/minions are in those locations. While

the game does not have precise movement rules,

some players like to use tokens or miniatures to

indicate where they are in a scene; you can place

them on location cards to mark where they are.


When a new Boost or Hinder mod comes into

play, write a brief description of it and the numeric

bonus or penalty (Icy Floor -2, Well Prepared with

Research +1, etc.). Also add any keywords like

“exclusive” or “persistent” to the card. Place the

card on the table near the character or location

it affects, or the middle of the table if it’s generally

applicable. Remove the card when the mod goes

away. Let players create their own cards when they

take Boost and Hinder actions.

Alternatively, you can use sticky notes to describe

such mods and put them on the appropriate cards,

making it easier to keep track of them.


Running Scenes

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