Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Ganging Up

Published issues and the scene creation guidelines

discussed in Chapter 5 are based on the assumption

that you won’t completely overwhelm one hero

with minions at the cost of ignoring others. Unless

a particularly self-sacrificing player asks for it, don’t

have the enemies gang up on a vulnerable hero.

Make an effort to spread out threats equally or

focus on heroes that gain from taking damage. In

cases where villains want to take out a character

first, make it abundantly clear through the villain’s

monologuing or orders shouted at minions.

This is a case of your job as the GM being a

facilitator of fun and storytelling — you’re not the

enemy of your players, trying to take down their

heroes. You’re setting up challenges and foes to

provide interesting opportunities for both success

and failure. Having a group of minions focus on a

hero who is almost out is counter to fun for the

players, so only do so with some sort of advanced

warning or give the heroes some way to prevent it

or get out of danger.

Handling Twists in Action Scenes

To keep the action exciting and engaging, choose

twists that introduce challenges that draw the

heroes’ attention from combat. First check with

players if any twists on their character sheets seem

appropriate. If they don’t quite fit the situation

or players would rather not use them, tap into

twists that are tied to the environment or written

specifically for the scene. If you need to come

up with your own, refer to “Creating Twists” in

Chapter 5 on page 200.

Regardless of what twists you use in your action

scenes, remember to come up with in-context

reasons for introducing the twists. Facing twists

and their consequences helps players build a richer

narrative, so incorporating them into the story and

basing them on the heroes’ experiences ensures

that they are fun and interesting.


Twists are the fuel that make your players’ stories

unique. While it’s a safe assumption they’ll save the

day in the great majority of their undertakings, a

myriad of things will go wrong. Hard choices will

have to be made, embarrassing secrets will be

spilled, costly collateral damage will be inflicted, and

innocent people will get hurt.

Twists come up for various reasons. Whenever

players fail an Overcome action by a slight margin,

they may decide to succeed by invoking a twist (see

page 25). Twists also come up whenever heroes

take risky actions (see page 19). Finally, twists come

up if you introduce one from the environment

when it takes takes its turn.

As discussed in Chapter 2, twists come in two

forms, minor and major. Each represents the relative

impact they play on a character’s story or a scene.

Minor twists are annoyances that tend to have a

localized effect that heroes can easily deal with, or

whose consequences aren’t too far reaching. This

includes getting hit for low amounts of damage,

a slight Hinder mod, or a slightly embarrassing

revelation about a hero’s actions or past.

Major twists are more than an annoyance; they’re

something that can have a shattering impact on a

hero’s life or put the lives of many innocents in

danger. Maybe a journalist finds a damning clue

about a hero’s secret identity, or maybe something

strikes from out of nowhere — an earthquake hits

the area. Whatever it is, it must be dealt with and

likely has lingering consequences for the story.

As a rule of thumb, the effects of many minor

twists remain for the duration of the scene it came

into play, while major twists last for the entire issue.

This applies to modifiers and disabled powers,

qualities, or abilities. Of course, heroes can mitigate

or resolve these twists to have them end sooner.

Mods can be cancelled by an opposed Hinder/Boost

check, while disabled traits can usually be restored

with a story appropriate Overcome action.


Running Action Scenes

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