Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Minor Twists

Public Defenders: Megalopolis Police officers show

up to help out. Roll the environment dice. Either use

the Max die as an Overcome against a challenge in

the scene or use the Min die as an Attack against all

opponents of the heroes.

Traffic Pileup: The conflict is causing a mess of

the roadways. This is going to make things more

complicated, especially for anyone trying to get

around. Roll the environment dice as a Hinder using

the Mid die against any heroes on foot in or near

the streets.

Major Twist

Hostage Situation: A villain or minions thereof

have taken some civilians hostage!

Save the civilians!

Roll the environment dice. Hinder all heroes

with the Min die. That penalty is persistent

until this challenge is completed.


Minor Twists

Panicking Crowds: The danger has risen to a level

that the public has lost all faith in the heroes to save

them. Roll the environment dice. Hinder each hero

with the Mid die.

Calm the crowd.

Until this challenge is completed, on each

environment turn, each hero must destroy

one of their Bonuses.

Paparazzi on the Scene: The press have arrived

to cover whatever is going on, and though they’re

giving positive press for the heroes, they’re still

getting in the way. Roll the environment dice. Boost

the hero who most recently acted with the Min die.

Hinder all other heroes with the Max die.

Major Twist

Exposed Root System: The fighting has exposed a

major root section of the Akash’Flora tree! It would

be bad for the tree and for the city if it gets damaged.

Add a Lieutenant to the scene called “Root

System”. On its turn, roll its die and Restore that

much Health to the closest hero. If that Lieutenant

is ever destroyed, advance the scene tracker one

space. Then, roll the environment dice. Attack and

Hinder each target in the scene using the Mid die.


Minor Twist

Impending Casualty: An innocent Megalopolis

citizen is directly in harm’s way! Can you get to

them in time?

Save the citizen

If this challenge is not completed before the

next environment turn, roll the environment

dice. Hinder all heroes with the Mid die.

Rioting in the Streets: Megalopolis has devolved

to chaos! Roll the environment dice. Hinder each

hero with the Max die. Boost each villain and their

minions and lieutenants with the Mid die. Attack

each hero with the Min die.

Major Twist

Plummeting Monorail: A monorail car has been

knocked loose from the tracks!

Prevent the monorail car from crashing to

the ground

If this challenge is not completed

before the next Environment turn, the

resulting explosion is devastating. Roll the

environment dice. Attack each target in

the scene with the Max+Min dice. Hinder

each surviving target with the Mid die. That

penalty is persistent and exclusive.





the Game




the Game





A rchives



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