Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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End of Session


At the end of each session, take a moment as a

group to tabulate accumulated hero points and

update them on the front of character sheets.

It’s a good moment for you to ask questions to

make players reflect on what their hero went

through so far in the story, how previous events

have affected their outlook and their beliefs, and

if anything changes. Alternatively, some groups

prefer to start each session with a quick recap of

the previous session, during which hero points can

be discussed and turned into hero bonuses, based

on what happened last time. Either way, doing this

together as a group helps solidify the experiences

and discover who these heroes are as a team.

As the end of a session, it’s also good to reflect

on what went wrong. Discuss how some of the

session’s twists have affected the story so far, which

ones were the players’ favorites and least favorites,

and explore where the story could go from there.

Feel free to take notes so you can bring into them

in later scenes and stories.

If your play group has reached the end of

an issue, or reached a logical end point in your

homegrown story, proceed with the creation of

the issue for each hero’s collection. Have each

player add the title of the issue on their character

sheet so they can call back to them in later sessions.

(See Collections in Chapter 2 on page 32) Ask the

players to describe the cover art!

Then proceed to the conversion of everyone’s

hero points to hero point bonuses as described

in Chapter 2 on pages 31-32. Remind players that

they must convert all their hero points as they don’t

carry from one issue to the next. As mentioned

above, you can choose to allocate hero points

at the start of the next session as a recap, rather

than at the end of this session. If you’re planning on

doing so, it helps to take a few notes to jog your

memories for next time.

If you run a game that doesn’t necessarily follow

the issue/collection structure we presented, feel

free to proceed to the attribution of back issues

and the conversion of hero points as you see fit.


If your group has played through a whole story

arc/collection or you’ve reached the logical end of

your homegrown storyline, refer to Chapter 3’s

Hero Advancement second on pages 142-143.

End of Session Wrap-Up

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