Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Defend...............................................................................19, 28

An action used to reduce the next damage to

yourself or another character.


Polyhedrals with a different number on each side,

related to the number of sides. Dice used in SCRPG

include four-sided dice: , six-sided dice: , eightsided

dice: , ten-sided dice: , and twelve-sided

dice: .

Dice Pool.................................................................................20

The three dice a hero or villain roll when taking an

action. One die from their powers, one die from

their qualities, and one die from their status.

Distance..................................................................... 168-169

Rather than tracking precise tactical range, distance

is addressed as part of the fiction, based on what

the GM and the hero players have established.

Effect Die.................................................................................21

When rolling a dice pool, the die that gets applied

to the action or ability is the effect die. If an ability

does not specify an effect die, the Mid die is the

effect die. Depending on the ability, there can be

multiple effect dice in a single roll.

Environment...........16, 23, 157-158, 160, 240-247,


The setting of where a scene takes place. When

present in a scene, the environment gets a turn in

the action order, and the checking off a space on

the scene tracker is part of that environment turn.

Example of Play...........................5, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,

23, 24-25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36-39, 151, 155,

158, 162, 163, 167, 168, 173, 174-175, 180, 189, 190,

191, 200, 201, 203, 204, 245

Snippets of SCRPG played out in the pages of this

book to illustrate how certain aspects of the game

are used.

Exclusive Mods...................................................................26

Mods that cannot be used in conjunction with

another mod of the same type. You can only use

one exclusive bonus and be forced to use one

exclusive penalty per roll.

Game Moderator (GM)........................... 8, 145-181

The player who frames the story, controls the

actions of the NPCs, and ensures that the game

rules are applied in a fair and fun way.

Green Zone........................................................ 12-13, 147

The highest band of GYRO. A hero has access

to their Green zone abilities when their status is

anything other than Out.

Guided Method.........................................................42, 46

The primary method of hero creation described in

Chapter 3. A way to build a hero in this game that

involves a lot of choices, guided by rolling dice to

move from step to step to determine the building

blocks of your hero.

GYRO......................................................................14, 16, 147

An abbreviation of the four zones of the game:

Green, Yellow, Red, and Out. Also the name of the

core system of this game.


This is the handy H icon! It’s used to represent the

number of heroes in a scene. It does not change

over the course of the scene, even if a hero goes to

Out or is otherwise removed from the scene.

Health..................................................................14, 113, 239

A measurement of the physical health, composure,

and fatigue of a hero or villain.

Health Range..........................................12-13, 113, 239

The ranges of Health that indicate a character’s

current personal zone.

Hero..........................2-3, 8, 41-143, 179, 181, 292-345

The main characters played by non-GM players,

whether created using Chapter 3 or premade, such

as the heroes found in Chapter 7.

Hero Advancement......................................... 142-143

The process by which heroes grow and change

over the course of many adventures and issues.

Hero Creation.........................................................41-141

The process of making your own Sentinel

Comics RPG hero! All of Chapter 3 is devoted to

this. See Guided Method and Constructed Method.

Hero Points...................................................................14, 31

Points earned by heroes in a variety of ways, notably

for playing to their principles in scenes and through

roleplaying. A maximum of 5 hero points can be

earned by each hero over the course of one issue

of play. Hero points from a previous issue of play

are spent at the start of an issue to gain hero point


Hero Point Bonus............................................................31

Bonuses gained by heroes at the start of an issue

by spending the hero points they earned last issue.

Hero point bonuses are floating bonuses that can

be invoked during the issue they are gained.

Hero Sheet.....................................10-13, 292-345, 439

The place where all the information you need to

run your hero is collected.

Index & Glossary




the Game




the Game







A ppendices

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