Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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After an assault in college left her hospitalized

and her boyfriend dead, Maia Montgomery lay in

recovery, thinking of the advice her father gave her

when she was afraid of the dark as a child. Wrapping

a blanket around her as a cloak, he told her that

she should be a wraith so that the monsters in

the dark would be scared of her instead. As she

lay in traction, she decided to finally become that

wraith. As she healed, she began training in combat,

critical thinking, and investigation. Her parents

were the CEO’s of Montgomery Industries, so

no expense was spared as she trained her body

and mind. When she recovered, they handed the

reins of the company to her. During the day, she

was the charming and intelligent young CEO of

Montgomery Industries, and at night, she became

the shadows!



Alias: Maia Adrianna Montgomery

Gender: Female

Age: Mid-20s

Height: 5’ 7”

Eyes: Green

Hair: Black

Skin: Pale

Build: Fit

Costume/Equipment: Dark purple cloak with a

hood, red bodysuit, and purple gloves and boots.

Purple bands around her arms and legs, and a

purple mask on the lower half of her face. Pouches

for gadgets on her belt.

Background: Upper Class

Power Source: Training

Archetype: Shadow

Personality: Analytical


Rook City rapidly taught her that crime was

everywhere. She would need every trick if she

wanted to survive as a crimefighter. With no powers,

every fight needed to be carefully considered

to avoid a situation where she couldn’t win. She

needed to strike quickly and decisively, avoiding

punching matches with massive thugs. She made

her own gadgets, as the corrupt police certainly

wouldn’t allow her into their forensics labs. And she

learned how to track her foes, understand criminal

psychology, and master a multitude of ways of

thinking. Wraith did all this to become something to

fear — an alpha predator stalking the worst her city

had to offer from the shadows, all while maintaining

her secret identity.

When she was contacted by Legacy, she was

surprised. He said that he was forming a new team,

and that he wanted her in it. She joined, mostly out

of curiosity, and quickly proved that the Freedom

Five needed her analytical skills, gadgets, and training.

Together, the team saved the world more times

that could easily be counted, fighting aliens, robots,

monsters, and doomsday devices of all types. She

made friends she never expected, including more

recently finding love again with Tyler Vance, her

teammate and the pilot of the Bunker suit.

OblivAeon put her skills to the ultimate test.

Along with the rest of the Freedom Five, she put

herself in front of the godlike being and, against

all odds, won. There was loss, but she had learned

early on that success always had a price. In the

aftermath, she pledged her company’s resources

to reconstruction, and took stock of things with

the rest of the Freedom Five, joining them in the

decision to teach the next generation of heroes.

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