Sentinel Comics RPG Core Rulebook

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Seeking Six

The stunt actor turned hero-hunting villain known

as Ambuscade failed more than a few times

to take down the heroes on his own. In one of

his attempts to get the upper hand, he hired a

supporting cast. Glamour was the first. Every

star needs a special effects team, and Glamour’s

illusions and misdirection suited the role admirably.

RevoCorp, the one-stop shop for whatever your

villainous needs might be, rounded out the rest of

his new crew. Desert Eagle, the high-flying spotter,

would tag targets and find weaknesses. Re-Volt, the

electric enforcer, would control the crowds with his

lightning. Ray Manta, the tech expert, would ensure

that they had the right gadget for any situation.

Magman, the gem-eating Magmarian, would be

their heavy. Together they were the Slaughterhouse

Six! Nothing could stand in their way!

This, of course, failed miserably. Realizing that

a cliffhanger was better than a humiliating defeat,

Ambuscade cloaked and left the rest of the team

to take the fall, abandoning his quest for a chance at

a sequel at a later time. The remainder of his crew

were quickly defeated, though this was not the end

of the Slaughterhouse Six. It would rise again as a

new threat under Glamour’s leadership… though

no one would know that for some time.

Secret Sovereign

Aware that the other team members would

resist her declaring that she was the new leader,

Glamour used her powers of illusion, misdirection,

and suggestion to create a figurehead. An illusory

Ambuscade would issue her orders and draw the

heat. They would focus on smaller, more lucrative

crimes: theft, mercenary work, and the occasional

assassination. If another major villain needed

something done, they were available for hire.

Whatever the work, they’d get paid well and avoid

a fair fight. In short, doing it for the money was the

new focus.

Mercenary work suited the Six, though they

occasionally fell apart through backstabbing and

infighting. As a group, they lacked a unifying ideology,

so Glamour’s hold on the others was entirely based

on profit. If a job went sour, then they could be

turned against one another. They also all had their

own personal motives that would occasionally get

in the way. Ray Manta saw conspiracies everywhere,

Re-Volt kept stumbling into Setback or getting

drawn away by RevoCorp jobs, Desert Eagle was in

a quest to find the origin and power source of the

hero called Haka, and Magman constantly needed

to eat gemstones to survive the cold of the surface

world. Even Glamour would get drawn off into her

own plots, such as capturing and impersonating

Tachyon, or investigating the mystic carnival left

behind by a previous Glamour.

No illusion lasts forever, and eventually the team

discovered that “Ambuscade” was just Glamour’s

creation. Though this caused some dissent, they

were on a streak of successful work. After some

bickering, they came around to her being the

leader, at least in private. Having a sixth team

member who wasn’t actually there was pretty

useful, and it saved them the trouble of figuring out

a new name or recruiting a new member. They did,

however, demand that the loot be split FIVE ways,

as opposed to six, with Glamour secretly pocketing

two shares.

Attrition eventually caused the dissolution of the

original team. Re-Volt vanished in prison, carted off

in the middle of the night by a squad of military

scientists. Desert Eagle came up against a terrifying

threat that sent him on a journey through cosmic

darkness, leaving him senseless. Magman became

too much of a hassle to keep fed, requiring a

constant stream of gemstones vanishing into his

maw, literally eating up their profits. Ray Manta grew

more and more paranoid, eventually retreating to a

shielded safe room where he could work without

“them” seeing him.

Slaughterhouse Score

Glamour spent some time revising her look and

dealing with the fallout of the OblivAeon event,

then went looking to form a new team, this time

with her as the leader without any catspaws.

She found a new heavy bruiser in Eddie Wagner,

the Hippo. Eddie suggested a magic-user he had

worked with on previous heists. Glamour knew

that having someone on the arcane side could

fill a hole that the heroes had exploited before,

so Kismet was offered a job and ultimately joined

the team. Glamour found Re-Volt, shattered from

military experiments, and convinced him that being

a part of the team was better than being alone.

Desert Eagle turned up alive, albeit changed from

his passage through the darkness. Realizing that she

could kill two birds with one stone, she eventually

convinced Ray Manta to rejoin the team as their

tech specialist, and he fixed Desert Eagle’s shadowaltered

eyes. Once his vision was fixed, Desert

Eagle was back in the air. More united than ever

before, the Slaughterhouse Six is once again open

for business!





the Game




the Game





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